This is not a childish or futile exercise in fantasy. I value the opinions of all here and I would like to get a discussion going.

If you all had a choice of going anywhere in the world you chose to create a safe place for yourself and your loved ones. A place where you could be as safe as possible and you could ensure to a certain degree of certainty. Of course nothing is 100% certain in this life. But let us say you could choose the safest place you could think of . Money was not an issue. Supplies were not an issue, only making sure that they would be safe for the aftertime. Not only for your survival , but the survival of all the evacuees of flooded and destroyed areas.

With all of the research that we have been doing of our own areas and the surrounding areas which would you consider your top choice and why?

*****Now please understand that I am not asking anyone to divulge their safe locations. We are dealing in generalities here not specifics.*****

I am still very confused as to where that area would be for myself . As we all know Texas will be covered in water and well, not a good choice for survival unless I get myself one of those Arks they had in the 2012 movie. Soooooooooo, reading and researching as I have been , it seesm that the Appalachian mountains are the best bet. However the choosing of an appropriate spot is quite tricky. Upstate New York would seem approrpiate since it is away from the coast and well in the Appalachian Mountains surrounded by the Poconos and the Catskill Mountains. However, too far West and we have th e danger of the great Lakes and other bodies of water that will overflow ad cause havoc. Not to mention nuclear plants.

Colorado and it's Rockie Mountains also seems a good choice. High enough in elevation to be safe from the high water level and far enough inland not to cause concern over any type of tsunami. Yet , with it's high elevation also comes the concern of earthquakes and landslides. Wouldn't want to be on a mountain and have the half I was on slide into the valley during or after a quake.

Then we have the deserts of New Mexico. Inhospitable because , well obviously it is desert! Yet based on old rock that will not be moving anywhere. If far enough from the Texas border should be relatively safe from the waters. Should be relatively safe from the landslides. Could very possibly experience land roll , however, that could happen anywhere. For aftertime it would be a bit difficult as water is not easily found there and the desert sand is not exactly conducive to successful farming.

All three have their advantages and their disadvantages. All three provide strategic placing for the assistance of evacuees, who will be in need of food, water, clothing and temporary shelter. Some provide more safety than others for the survival of the shift itself.

Ok, I have shared some of my thoughts with you. How many of you will share your thoughts with me ?

I am truly interested in getting feedback from all of you. Perhaps those who are more experienced and have done more research can assist those of us who are confused or experiencing difficulty. I think this would be invaluable in the way people prepare and choose their safe locations.

Would you do me the honor of participating?

Thanks to all in advance! Blessings of Love and Light to you and your loved ones!

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  • I thought I would copy a comment thread between Keith and I on this blog, because I think this information may be helpful to people who may want to look at Mongolia as a possible safe location.

    Sure you can, I live in the center of the city now(Ulaanbaatar), but am looking for a safe location about 10-15kms outside the city, there are many small cottages that people from UB use as summer cabins.

    We and a couple of others are planning a small community. One from the Philippines and awaiting another from Scotland. As a note, US citizens require no visa, and receive a 90 visa when they arrive.


    At 2:13pm on September 8, 2010, edina said…
    Hey Keith I've been wondering about how you're doing. It's cloudy and wet here, I wore my army rain poncho when I went to milk the goats, they've never seen me in that thing before and refused to come out of the bus. :), Goats don't like it when you do crazy things like that, like wear a coat they've never seen before. I had to coax a lot with grain.
    Keith, I think the information you shared with me about Mongolia is good info for people who may be thinking of moving there. Do you mind if I copy it to Desertrosetx's safe location blog?
    Do you live near a city, or are you more rural?Delete Comment

    At 10:07pm on August 22, 2010, Keith Haesemeyer said…
    It ranges from Mountains with forests on the North sides to wide open steppe with many free ranging livestock. Cows, sheep, goats and horses. Many square miles of steppe and sparsely populated. Population of entire Mongolia is 3.5 million.

    At 9:59pm on August 22, 2010, edina said…
    Keith, this is fascinating. It must be an adventure every day, learning a new language, and a new culture. What is the terrain like where you are at?

    At 11:17am on August 20, 2010, Keith Haesemeyer said…

    Thanks for the add. Like I was saying, the Mongolians, from my living here during the last 6 months, the Mongolians are 99.9% a honest people and culture. The Russians occupied Mongolia from 1921 until 1991. The Russians really did not do the Mongolians any favors by being here except keep the Chinese away.

    The Chinese occupied Mongolia for a few hundred years from 1700-1921. the Mongolians consider the Russians their brothers, and despise the Chinese for the way the Chinese treated them during that period.

    Anyway, the Mongolians aligned themselves with the US when the Soviets suddenly left in 1991. A very smart move. Kept the Chinese out once again. Religion here is not really openly discussed, but just accepted. A form from Dali Lama from Tibet.

    The Russians also left the Cyrillic alphabet and basically destroyed any Mongolian culture that existed. There are a few monasteries left, but they are rapidly deteriorating.

    There are only 3.5 million Mongolians and any electronic translation to English, (old Mongolian seemed to have a higher priority, but only about 33% of Mongolians know how to read old Mongolian. I have been learning Mongolian, but it is a little difficult for me, but improving slowly. Additional letters from Cyrillic alphabet and English letters are sometimes pronounced differently. Hired a tutor from the American Embassy.

    I relocated from San Francisco, and enjoy the reduced traffic and cleaner air.

  • Awesome Penny, thank you for sharing !!

    Penny Teem said:
    After about 5 trips to NE Arkansas, we found what we were looking for. A 12-sided oak log house on 42 acres. Mostly wooded, with a pasture, outbuildings and lots of "stuff" in the yard. We've spent the last 4 years making this our home. Sure, there was lots of work to do, but it's been a great experience. We're doing our best to be self-sufficient. If you're looking for a place -- think about the Ozarks. The land is beautiful, very reasonably priced, and the weathers pretty mild. We live in Sharp county. Our population density is a whopping 28/ sq mile!
  • i am very proud of you for making the choice and doing it. i am waiting for my car to start my move. i have 5 acres in south co. best of luck to you.

    Penny Teem said:
    After about 5 trips to NE Arkansas, we found what we were looking for. A 12-sided oak log house on 42 acres. Mostly wooded, with a pasture, outbuildings and lots of "stuff" in the yard. We've spent the last 4 years making this our home. Sure, there was lots of work to do, but it's been a great experience. We're doing our best to be self-sufficient. If you're looking for a place -- think about the Ozarks. The land is beautiful, very reasonably priced, and the weathers pretty mild. We live in Sharp county. Our population density is a whopping 28/ sq mile!
  • After about 5 trips to NE Arkansas, we found what we were looking for. A 12-sided oak log house on 42 acres. Mostly wooded, with a pasture, outbuildings and lots of "stuff" in the yard. We've spent the last 4 years making this our home. Sure, there was lots of work to do, but it's been a great experience. We're doing our best to be self-sufficient. If you're looking for a place -- think about the Ozarks. The land is beautiful, very reasonably priced, and the weathers pretty mild. We live in Sharp county. Our population density is a whopping 28/ sq mile!
  • Hello Coedwig

    I am getting ready on my side too. My family and I will be living east of Prince George. Our time line is next year. We have to first find a job in that area. We did camp out this summer and my son and daughter are not afraid and love where we will relocate.

    Coedwig the Druid said:
    The eastern slopes of the Canadian Rockies is where I am heading!
    Coedwig the Druid

    Rosemary Stephen said:
    Hello RLP

    I am not sure if this is of any help, but ask your guide to help you to find a place. OK I am a bit bias, but Canada is a good option. I had a quick look at a map. You are located just south of the Québec province. What I would do is head for Ontario. Can go Google "Earthquake Canada" and have a look please. It will give you a very good idea of safe place to live. We do not have the same population. We are only about 37 millions. There is a lot of places for you to stay.
    We are never too old. Tell yourself that. If you have the will to live... Welcome to Canada.

    RLP said:
    What an excellent, well thought out question. Thanks for starting this one because many people, I think, are struggling with this very question. I know I am.

    I happen to be in New Jersey, which is falling into the ocean or flooding. Not only that, it will be subject to those coming from the city, an influx of looters, food shortages, and possible fallout from any war like activities predicted for major cities in our country, such as NY.

    We also have to consider areas that are near nuclear sites – fallout of radioactivity and water sources being polluted. Volcanos and earthquake areas to be avoided. Low lands, shores. Not much left. Also, we must consider where military bases are and how the elite have set perimeters of THEIR land. I heard the Appalachians are not good because its staked out by them and we little people will get shoved off our land when they want it.

    My choice would to select up in the mountains, in a colder region, even if after the PS it will be colder yet. Land enough to garden, have chickens, cattle and two horses for travel, if I could have enough food to feed them. How that transitions to reality of a place in the USA baffles me. I thought about Canada, Oregon, Vermont, and Minnesota or areas of Dakotas.

    Colorado is not only a state with a huge military base underground Denver; it is also a heavily active spot for aliens. Washington, Oregon, New York, Arizona…they have taken over most of the choice locations. We are just not aware of it yet. Depending on what they (human and alien) want to do to the little people when they emerge and we try to exercise our ‘squatters rights”, we’ll be at their mercy. Being in areas next to them is not good. That’s sort of like the mouse inviting the cat to dinner, no? The elite have already selected their spots long ago both below and above ground, and selected the prime real estate for themselves. Why do you think the government is grabbing up almost all of the Midwest? They say it is to preserve our national parks. Also the glut of foreclosures there from people being starved and forced out of their homes with no jobs or income. That is a load of crap – the elite know exactly what they are doing to us.

    Of course, if I can’t sell my house before it’s too late, I’m a gonner. Even if I did make it out of here, my age and health issues factor into my reality. I don’t bother to stock up on food, water and supplies where I am now, it is futile. If I can get to a safe spot, could I get supplies in time? And as I said, being all alone it is impossible. So lately, I’ve sort of resigned myself to the fact that I have to accept I will die. Unless there is a miracle in my path, my dream to assist orphans in the aftertime is a moot wish for me. None of my friends believe me so they will not help me or consider why I am frantic over the time factor of wanting to leave NJ. I am a dead duck. :(

    I just pray that those I care for make it through it all.
  • Cool, Mary thank you so much for sharing. Very interesting series of events there. More oft than not when a door closes it is for a reason. So glad you are in a place you like.

    I love Texas too. I came here and my dreams of the tsunamis, monster tornadoes and black water spouts stopped. I have been told that probably means I am where I am supposed to be. However, there are others that state Texas is not safe. For my children's sake I need to keep looking. I have been considering the Wisconsin or Dakotas have not made my mind up yet. Yes, I know I need t o get moving, lol!

    Thank you so very much for your input. Thanks to everyone for their input. I know that there are many of us out here still stuck in this dilemma needing a bit of direction from those of you who have already made the decision.

    Blessings of Love and Light to All!
    Mary V said:
    For my part, I have pondered this for years; looking at maps, thinking less population, more mountains, water, etc... Well met my hubby - he grew up in the near hill country of texas - (Hello, KF!!) in Yancey...I grew up in Kansas...we were trying to make the job stuff work in Texas and it just wasn't we bascially threw up our hands and said "Ok, Father, you put us where you want us!!" A few interesting coincidences right after ended us up in the southeastern Dakotas....

    We did try to move to remote land in northwestern SD, but that door got shut (twice)...we had also years before checked into Colorado, but that door got shut too....

    When we moved up here, I did get the feeling that at some point we would look at each other and say "oh boy, Thank God we're not down in Texas right now" (yes, I love Texas, too!)

    I would not have previously thought of the Dakotas - was looking for mountains and thick woods...but apparently this is where we are to be....and for what it is worth to those who live in Texas - we have found that the laws in SD are quite similar to Texas.....
  • For my part, I have pondered this for years; looking at maps, thinking less population, more mountains, water, etc... Well met my hubby - he grew up in the near hill country of texas - (Hello, KF!!) in Yancey...I grew up in Kansas...we were trying to make the job stuff work in Texas and it just wasn't we bascially threw up our hands and said "Ok, Father, you put us where you want us!!" A few interesting coincidences right after ended us up in the southeastern Dakotas....

    We did try to move to remote land in northwestern SD, but that door got shut (twice)...we had also years before checked into Colorado, but that door got shut too....

    When we moved up here, I did get the feeling that at some point we would look at each other and say "oh boy, Thank God we're not down in Texas right now" (yes, I love Texas, too!)

    I would not have previously thought of the Dakotas - was looking for mountains and thick woods...but apparently this is where we are to be....and for what it is worth to those who live in Texas - we have found that the laws in SD are quite similar to Texas.....
  • Rosemary,
    The eastern slopes of the Canadian Rockies is where I am heading!
    Coedwig the Druid

    Rosemary Stephen said:
    Hello RLP

    I am not sure if this is of any help, but ask your guide to help you to find a place. OK I am a bit bias, but Canada is a good option. I had a quick look at a map. You are located just south of the Québec province. What I would do is head for Ontario. Can go Google "Earthquake Canada" and have a look please. It will give you a very good idea of safe place to live. We do not have the same population. We are only about 37 millions. There is a lot of places for you to stay.
    We are never too old. Tell yourself that. If you have the will to live... Welcome to Canada.

    RLP said:
    What an excellent, well thought out question. Thanks for starting this one because many people, I think, are struggling with this very question. I know I am.

    I happen to be in New Jersey, which is falling into the ocean or flooding. Not only that, it will be subject to those coming from the city, an influx of looters, food shortages, and possible fallout from any war like activities predicted for major cities in our country, such as NY.

    We also have to consider areas that are near nuclear sites – fallout of radioactivity and water sources being polluted. Volcanos and earthquake areas to be avoided. Low lands, shores. Not much left. Also, we must consider where military bases are and how the elite have set perimeters of THEIR land. I heard the Appalachians are not good because its staked out by them and we little people will get shoved off our land when they want it.

    My choice would to select up in the mountains, in a colder region, even if after the PS it will be colder yet. Land enough to garden, have chickens, cattle and two horses for travel, if I could have enough food to feed them. How that transitions to reality of a place in the USA baffles me. I thought about Canada, Oregon, Vermont, and Minnesota or areas of Dakotas.

    Colorado is not only a state with a huge military base underground Denver; it is also a heavily active spot for aliens. Washington, Oregon, New York, Arizona…they have taken over most of the choice locations. We are just not aware of it yet. Depending on what they (human and alien) want to do to the little people when they emerge and we try to exercise our ‘squatters rights”, we’ll be at their mercy. Being in areas next to them is not good. That’s sort of like the mouse inviting the cat to dinner, no? The elite have already selected their spots long ago both below and above ground, and selected the prime real estate for themselves. Why do you think the government is grabbing up almost all of the Midwest? They say it is to preserve our national parks. Also the glut of foreclosures there from people being starved and forced out of their homes with no jobs or income. That is a load of crap – the elite know exactly what they are doing to us.

    Of course, if I can’t sell my house before it’s too late, I’m a gonner. Even if I did make it out of here, my age and health issues factor into my reality. I don’t bother to stock up on food, water and supplies where I am now, it is futile. If I can get to a safe spot, could I get supplies in time? And as I said, being all alone it is impossible. So lately, I’ve sort of resigned myself to the fact that I have to accept I will die. Unless there is a miracle in my path, my dream to assist orphans in the aftertime is a moot wish for me. None of my friends believe me so they will not help me or consider why I am frantic over the time factor of wanting to leave NJ. I am a dead duck. :(

    I just pray that those I care for make it through it all.
  • Hello RLP

    I am not sure if this is of any help, but ask your guide to help you to find a place. OK I am a bit bias, but Canada is a good option. I had a quick look at a map. You are located just south of the Québec province. What I would do is head for Ontario. Can go Google "Earthquake Canada" and have a look please. It will give you a very good idea of safe place to live. We do not have the same population. We are only about 37 millions. There is a lot of places for you to stay.
    We are never too old. Tell yourself that. If you have the will to live... Welcome to Canada.

    RLP said:
    What an excellent, well thought out question. Thanks for starting this one because many people, I think, are struggling with this very question. I know I am.

    I happen to be in New Jersey, which is falling into the ocean or flooding. Not only that, it will be subject to those coming from the city, an influx of looters, food shortages, and possible fallout from any war like activities predicted for major cities in our country, such as NY.

    We also have to consider areas that are near nuclear sites – fallout of radioactivity and water sources being polluted. Volcanos and earthquake areas to be avoided. Low lands, shores. Not much left. Also, we must consider where military bases are and how the elite have set perimeters of THEIR land. I heard the Appalachians are not good because its staked out by them and we little people will get shoved off our land when they want it.

    My choice would to select up in the mountains, in a colder region, even if after the PS it will be colder yet. Land enough to garden, have chickens, cattle and two horses for travel, if I could have enough food to feed them. How that transitions to reality of a place in the USA baffles me. I thought about Canada, Oregon, Vermont, and Minnesota or areas of Dakotas.

    Colorado is not only a state with a huge military base underground Denver; it is also a heavily active spot for aliens. Washington, Oregon, New York, Arizona…they have taken over most of the choice locations. We are just not aware of it yet. Depending on what they (human and alien) want to do to the little people when they emerge and we try to exercise our ‘squatters rights”, we’ll be at their mercy. Being in areas next to them is not good. That’s sort of like the mouse inviting the cat to dinner, no? The elite have already selected their spots long ago both below and above ground, and selected the prime real estate for themselves. Why do you think the government is grabbing up almost all of the Midwest? They say it is to preserve our national parks. Also the glut of foreclosures there from people being starved and forced out of their homes with no jobs or income. That is a load of crap – the elite know exactly what they are doing to us.

    Of course, if I can’t sell my house before it’s too late, I’m a gonner. Even if I did make it out of here, my age and health issues factor into my reality. I don’t bother to stock up on food, water and supplies where I am now, it is futile. If I can get to a safe spot, could I get supplies in time? And as I said, being all alone it is impossible. So lately, I’ve sort of resigned myself to the fact that I have to accept I will die. Unless there is a miracle in my path, my dream to assist orphans in the aftertime is a moot wish for me. None of my friends believe me so they will not help me or consider why I am frantic over the time factor of wanting to leave NJ. I am a dead duck. :(

    I just pray that those I care for make it through it all.
  • What an excellent, well thought out question. Thanks for starting this one because many people, I think, are struggling with this very question. I know I am.

    I happen to be in New Jersey, which is falling into the ocean or flooding. Not only that, it will be subject to those coming from the city, an influx of looters, food shortages, and possible fallout from any war like activities predicted for major cities in our country, such as NY.

    We also have to consider areas that are near nuclear sites – fallout of radioactivity and water sources being polluted. Volcanos and earthquake areas to be avoided. Low lands, shores. Not much left. Also, we must consider where military bases are and how the elite have set perimeters of THEIR land. I heard the Appalachians are not good because its staked out by them and we little people will get shoved off our land when they want it.

    My choice would to select up in the mountains, in a colder region, even if after the PS it will be colder yet. Land enough to garden, have chickens, cattle and two horses for travel, if I could have enough food to feed them. How that transitions to reality of a place in the USA baffles me. I thought about Canada, Oregon, Vermont, and Minnesota or areas of Dakotas.

    Colorado is not only a state with a huge military base underground Denver; it is also a heavily active spot for aliens. Washington, Oregon, New York, Arizona…they have taken over most of the choice locations. We are just not aware of it yet. Depending on what they (human and alien) want to do to the little people when they emerge and we try to exercise our ‘squatters rights”, we’ll be at their mercy. Being in areas next to them is not good. That’s sort of like the mouse inviting the cat to dinner, no? The elite have already selected their spots long ago both below and above ground, and selected the prime real estate for themselves. Why do you think the government is grabbing up almost all of the Midwest? They say it is to preserve our national parks. Also the glut of foreclosures there from people being starved and forced out of their homes with no jobs or income. That is a load of crap – the elite know exactly what they are doing to us.

    Of course, if I can’t sell my house before it’s too late, I’m a gonner. Even if I did make it out of here, my age and health issues factor into my reality. I don’t bother to stock up on food, water and supplies where I am now, it is futile. If I can get to a safe spot, could I get supplies in time? And as I said, being all alone it is impossible. So lately, I’ve sort of resigned myself to the fact that I have to accept I will die. Unless there is a miracle in my path, my dream to assist orphans in the aftertime is a moot wish for me. None of my friends believe me so they will not help me or consider why I am frantic over the time factor of wanting to leave NJ. I am a dead duck. :(

    I just pray that those I care for make it through it all.
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