April 12, 2014

by Zen Gardner

The real full on Truth hits you hard. Right in the heart. Your family is at stake, humanity is at stake. We’re being relentlessly attacked by some unidentified force and we’re reeling, without much to seemingly stand on.

Our planet’s resources are being polluted faster than we can identify. Everything in every sphere we just years ago held dear and tried to naturally defend has been so drastically altered it’s beyond identification or comprehension.

And we scream as if in a nightmare with no one listening.


Environmental Murder

The Gulf of Mexico and virtually the entire Pacific ocean have been virtually killed. Murdered. The skies are being poisoned to an incredible degree, killing our plants, animals and fellow humans. Our food and water are horrendously modified.

I like to believe in life’s regenerative processes, but we’re talking long term if this doesn’t stop soon. Perhaps long after our kids and grand kids have then had to endure the horrors of a mutated world, if they live that long.


These frackers are playing for keeps. And people had better wake up to that fact.


These earth changes, and so-called scientific and social changes that are obviously engineered, clearly have an agenda.

What Agenda Might this Be? Some Questions to Consider:


  • WHY would the elites dig a super underground vault to store seeds from all over the planet while introducing genetically modified seeds growing food they themselves won’t touch?
  • WHY have they built secret underground bases?–that aren’t so secret if you poke around a bit.
  • WHY is the world not told a single fact about the Fukushima radiation readings, and the EPA monitors getting shut off and standards recalibrated?…while the media black out continues?
  • WHY is questioning water fluoridation considered cult science while multiple millions drink the toxic industrial byproduct yet European countries throw the process off?
  • WHY are they pushing vaccines so hard when they’ve been proven to maim children and adults?
  • WHY is cellphone and other EMF technology deliberately set at the range of our brain frequency when it could have been outside that?
  • WHY is the banking system getting off scot free when everyone knows they engineered this economic mess?

  • WHY is war on terror so accepted when it was based on a staged false premise–a clearly government induced false flag millions identify?
  • WHY is the education system spewing out dumber and dumber kids while more money is poured in to this endeavor?
  • WHY is everyone so freakishly fat they can’t see their feet anymore and are suffering accelerated off the charts health challenges?
  • WHY has questioning anything become a terrorist threat?
  • WHY is our atmosphere so purposely filled with aluminum and other toxic substances our respiratory illnesses have skyrocketed, never mind other complications like increased seizures, memory loss, and even Alzheimers?
  • WHY is going through the airport now a radioactive exam and terrorizing experience for even children and the elderly?
  • WHY is the government now allowed to arrest, imprison and even kill you without trial?..as well as spy on you at will?
  • WHY is the media swill the same on every channel with literally no independent reporting or investigative journalism?
  • WHY is our DNA being tracked, our irises scanned, blood tested and our movements monitored?
  • And why militarize American streets and authorize police and military brutality in crass overkill operations?
  • etc. etc. etc.


Getting the picture?

We have to wake the hell up, is all I can say. If you don’t get it yet, I pity you.

We’re under attack.

There’s a lot to be angry about. And if you’re not angry, you’re not alive. Then turn your anger into activity. Do something! Wake others up! And most of all, drastically change your own life to reflect what you now know!


The Zen Spot

Yes, there’s always that. Of course there’s a wonderful “other” transcendent side to all of this, but it doesn’t matter if we don’t take responsibility for what’s going on in front of our noses and do something about it. Passively witnessing or “observing the essence” of a drowning child is complete bullshit. It’s time to respond.

Inaction while observing the truths of our current condition is an outright denial of personal responsibility. Know the Truth, and act on it.

I found out and my life changed. Drastically.

I hope yours will too.

Love always, Zen


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  • I understand and that is a shame. That is the best way to look at it.

  • Keith sounds like you are planning to stay disgusting country.

  • Jim Right now the earth is not very happy for sure, big quakes are happening everywhere. The people of the earth in turmoil also. People are tired of their governments driving them into slavery some are angry and violent others are demonstrating peacefully. Anger is a word that starts change, it does not mean that violence has to accompany it. The world around us is operating in 3 D and people react in the way they have been taught to. Everyday I read articles about evil being uncovered but barely ever on Main stream media. The almost daily mass die off of animals is beyond belief and some say they are evolving and I laugh out loud because it takes millions of years for evolution to occur. The consciousness is waking up all over the world, it is not hard to see. We are winning the battle and we probably will in the end. As I look out the window I see the chemtrail pilots starting the day off taking my sun from my area and yet we are not allowed to do anything but complain to deaf ears, in France and Italy people are in the streets and they are angry but they are not hurting anyone So anger is good there, its just a word people understand. Will the world change on the 15TH, I hope so.           

  • Looks to me like the planet is simply fighting back, like a dog trying to shake off biting flees.  Evil is a cancer like rust that just keeps growing.  I have heard over and over, we can win over evil, just keep thinking happy thoughts. But it looks to me like that is not working.  Even the Bundy cow thing worked to the good because of angry people in force.  Well said Jacks and Byron.  The only area that I see people waking up in is the humane and loving treatment of animals, and realizing the fact that we are all slaves to the mega rich who have controlled us from birth to grave.   Other then that man is still asleep in a daze that has his nose to the grind stone where he never looks up to the stars or inward to the  soul .  Brainwashed by the talking heads on TV in a nightly ritual of mindlessly taking in the useless information  that keeps him on the couch and ready to fight with anyone who has a different opinion of the daily events.   Right now more then ever survival, or rather how to survive should be taught in schools, on TV, and on computers.  Cause if we loose our planet there will be no more spiritual growth here because there will be no people here to learn.   This world belongs to all the creatures who live here.  So lets not destroy it for their sakes. 

  • Jacks  Anger is not a good emotion but unfortunately very few understand what throwing lite even is, in fact most don't even realize all the things Zen listed are even going on. Waking up people has been the most difficult thing I have ever done. The people at the Bundy ranch this weekend were angry should they have stayed home and sent divine light. I am angry about everything on that list, does it mean I am going to do something out of anger, no it just means I am unhappy about what is going on. Anger seems to be the only emotion that starts people on their path to awaking to this less than desirable world we are living in. Because Abraham says the law of attraction is our problem does not mean that it really is. I think our biggest problem is inaction of any kind  to bring change. I actually believe the law of attraction has many flaws.   

  • Stop using your Mind Use your Heart!

  • So send Divine Loving Light, and then it will change, The Universal Law Attraction! Like attracts like!

  • "There’s a lot to be angry about. And if you’re not angry, you’re not alive."

    Ok think! The more you push anger the more it pushes back in the same amounts!

    Daily Law of Attraction Quotations

    If you could get to the place where you no longer feel a need to push against anything that you disagree with—you would become in alignment with what you do agree with. Even within your own body, it is your pushing against those things you don't agree with that causes you to be out of alignment with what you do agree.

    --- Abraham
    Excerpted from the workshop in Philadelphia, PA on Monday, May 13th, 2002

  • Well said!

    Thanks for posting Byron.

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