This blog is to keep an eye on epidemic outbreaks around the world. We have already caught the elite spreading ECOLI in europe and scientists have proven it to be manmade. Biowarfare is nothing new and is being carried on in labs all over the world. Since we are aware of the elites plan to depopulate the world of at least 80% we had better beware of what diseases are spreading and where. The SARS out break in canada killed 95% aisians. That makes it suspect to being manmade. I regulary visited a disaster site and just found that it has been made very difficult to get information from. It will be difficult to get information with the control TPTB has on news and information. I believe that our Nuclear fear is mostly over because 100 + military personel came forward to say spacecraft have been turning off nuclear warheads at their missle sites for years. How will they be able to kill us on such a large scale, will more than likely be bird flu, Bubonic plague or even a host of other diseases we have not heard of. If you find anything please post it here or if you send me a private message on my page leading to an article I will post it for you. 30 days ago I was not able to put a URL up and many are trying to be computer litterate without help as I was.Thanks to Rosemary Stepnens and Keith H I have found new alert sources and can keep this going. Google alerts  Rsoe Edis and Ubalert are the ones I will start with any ohers will be a  great help. The ones that we pay to protect us my be our biggest problem.       

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  • Thanks so much Kim!
  • Here is the time line for bird flu  I just read it has mutated to pigs too it has a 60% death rate  
  • Very smart Kim philadelphia has had some pretty high readings
  • I got my liquid zeolite from A place for Healing in Oregon.  I will do more research on the zeolite.  BTW I use the zeolite once a week and use the homeopathic radialgin every day.
  • Here is the world map of Dengue Fever
  • But if you try some time you canget what you need. I have not been sick for 10 yrs. Yes the rads are also in there big time.I go with Kim on the Zeolite I need some too. 
  • I had heard about the microbiologists suffering suspicious deaths. It makes sense to get rid of those that could expose ones crimes. It is also a particularly opportune time to unleash a man-made pandemic because as you know we are being bombarded by radiation further lowering our immune systems. This in addition to the continual attack through chemicals, genetically modified food, pesticides, and of course Chemtrails. Also, with the movie Contagion out it is especially fresh in the minds of the sleeping people (sheeple). You are right, it is definitely not looking good. Maybe a poleshift is preferable... I'd still rather have a revolution, but as the Stones said, "you can't always get what you want..."
  • Jonas thanks I get so tired of death and destruction. The additional info I find while searching is equally disturbing. We certainly do not live in a just world. A month ago Alex Jones said the sunshine foundation had documents saying there are remote conterol helicopters already loaded with Bird flu. 89 microbiologists with the ability to sequence DNA have met untimely deaths in the last couple years. They had the ability to tell if the disease was manmade or natural. Too many avenues lead in a very bad direction my friend. I am hopeing for a pole shift myself. 
  • People care Byron, It's just that in the face of such overwhelming odds people feel helpless. They don't know what they can do to change any of it. It reminds me of back in 2002 when the US was about to invade afganistan. My wife and I, along with thousands of other people protested in the streets of San Francisco. It felt good to voice my opinion, to DO something, but it had virtually no effect on stopping the war from happening. Other than making me feel good and probably getting my name added to some SS list. Then again, Gandhi said "be the change you want in the world." Don't give up the fight my friend, people care. I know I do.
  • Jonas  doug said that alergins are being added in the US. While researching on this blog I have figured out two distressing things 1 people with comprimised immune systems are being attacked by diseases that are normaly cureable. 2 drug resistant dieases are starting to emerge. In s. Africa aids is an epidemic and now drug resistant TB has popped up. In kenya where 470,000 somalians are starving with comprimised immune systems the dengue fever has gon from 1000 cases to 5000 in a week a perfect storm of death like S. Africa. The mosquitos are are becoming resistant to pesticides and killing them is almost impossibel. In hong kong drug resistant scarlet fever has now doubled from  250 last year to 550 and the year is not over. Pakistan is batteling Dengue and blames the CIA. Chemtrails has barium and aluminum in it both of which attack our immune system and is sprayed all over the planet. I have gotten tired of doing research on something so vital and nobody seems to care. Vitamin D 3 will protect your immune system.    
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