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  • Amphibians have been dieing off in record numbers for the last few years... bats..... bees..... birds.... fish..... dolphins.... seals..... you name it, its dieing......
  • If something was incoming, to the Earth. The changes would effect those who are "HIGHER" and totally unprotected. So, makes total sense for bees and birds to be showing CHANGE. (carbon based)  I would be aware of "FROGS", as well. They are ground level and so are WE.
  • Very true Tammy, the earth changes are having a huge effect that can not be controledas opposed to pest control that we now know has a correlation that indicates that we are killing part of the food chain....bees are going the way of the dodo as well and they just happen to be the main pollinators of plants along with bats who do quite a bit of pollinating as well....
  • Alex man is partly to blame, yes. The other factor is Earth changes. By that I mean when there is an EQ or Volcanic activity gases from inside are released that are toxic. With the increase in both, there is an increase in those toxic gases.
  • This is caused by man and trust me we will regret it.
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