birds (12)

I was just reading up on this and the thought occurred to me that it is not likely to be the sole cause.  Think about the EMF radiation from cell towers, pesticides/GMOs, secret government testing, HAARP, polluted water, climate extremes like extreme heat and lack of water, jet stream wandering, and what about chemtrails? Here's a video of the chemtrailing going on right before 12/31/2010:  Chemtrails in Okla and Ark before massive fish and bird deaths .

It seems somewhere in the chain of information, a decision was made that methane was the culprit, but I think with all the other factors in play that methane escaping from earth movements would only be one of many factors.  In addition, consider the radiation that hit Europe from Chernobyl, local leaks, and now the ELE-waiting-to-happen at Fukushima, all the volcanic eruptions spewing ash and toxins into the air, continuing assaults on the magnetosphere, a magnetic pole shift in progress, local disasters like the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and even ET/UFO involvement: 

When flocks of birds die simultaneously and suddenly drop to the ground, could it be they are hitting a cloaked UFO, or its force field?  Of all the theories I've read, this one makes the most sense.  Could fish kills be caused by submerged UFOs?  Either hitting the force field or the UFO itself, or by radiation or other emission from the craft? 

Following this train of thought further, would benevolent ETs allow this to happen?  Could negative ETs that work with the governments be assisting in destroying what they don't need?  Zetatalk pushes the methane theory heavily, and it is highly suspected they work with the government, and the same ETs.  Makes you go hmmm, doesn't it?

It escalated at the dawn of 2010, so it's been going on for almost four years, so a lot of damage has been done to the world's food supplies.  Could it be the NWO is getting an assist in getting their agenda done, then they double cross the NWO folks and take over.  So, there you go.  I just created a new conspiracy theory.  "Make of it what you will."

You can't blame any person, corporation, or government agency for methane burps due to earth movement or a magnetic pole shift.  But all these other things, well, that's a different story.  Seeing this bigger picture also neuters the climate-change theory that car emissions and cow farts are killing our planet.  No, much, much more is killing our planet.  And behind each one is a responsible party that probably wants to see the methane-burps-coming-from-earth-shifting-killing-birds-and-animals theory promoted vigorously to keep the real culprits in the shadows, well out of sight. 

Here is a link that tracks bird/animal deaths since April 29, 2012:  As you can see, this is world-wide, not just in areas that are prone to methane burps.  However, due to the timing (around 11:30 p.m. on New Year's Eve 2010, the Beebe, Arkansas, bird deaths could have been caused by fireworks as the birds showed signs of blunt force trauma.  See, .)  Some of these die-offs do have other causes.  In Australia in 2009, it was pesticides:  It was posited about the Arkansas bird and fish deaths at the dawn of 2011 that it could be the excess manure in that state from factory farming:  That could make some serious methane. 

This first came to national/world attention with the 5,000 bird die-off in Beebe, Arkansas, on New Year's Eve 2010.  Here are some links to articles prior to the Chani Project list that starts April 29, 2012.  After that date, they probably will overlap.  (since January 2010--this is a good list because it breaks it down by country)  (January 22, 2011)  (Mass extinctions were confirmed in the year 2000.  So, it seems that this process of die-offs have been going on longer than frequently shifting earth and methane burps has been going on.  In 2009, as discovered by me and confirmed by John DiNardo, earth shifting slowed significantly as witnessed in the decline of water mains breaking.  He believes the cause was PX going below Jupiter and out of the direct line of fire towards Earth.  I am noticing very few mass die-offs reported in 2009.)

In 2006, there was a die-off attributed to unusual weather:

Just some thoughts.  Keep your eyes and minds open.

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"The Birds" ~ Maybe Not Science Fiction?


I had two unusual incidents this past week with birds.  Both times, a large amount of birds were on my roof.  I could see their shadows against the curtains, flying to and fro.  They were scuffling around, squawking their heads off.  The second incident, yesterday, was so loud that I went outside to see what the heck they were doing.  I opened the door and a large black crow was standing on the porch railing.  It just stood there and looked at me for a few seconds, then flew up into a tree.  I have a lot of trees around my house, most with leaves half gone.  I walked out and did a perimeter sweep.  I could see them (LOTS of them) in the trees.  As I walked around, I heard one caw behind me.  Then a crow in another tree parallel to me cawed.  Then another cawed in a tree ahead of me.  The birds were signaling each other.  It was creepy.  Remember the above scene?  That's what it felt like.  Maybe Alfred Hitchcock wasn't so far off base, after all.

So, then I received an email from one of our members today...

"I live in the Upper West Side of Manhattan next to Lincoln Center in an 8 story apartment complex with a small adjacent park. Was awakened this morning at about 6am by many birds, perhaps 500+ that arrived in the park who were making a loud ruckus chirping, squawking, and screaming. Opened my window to see what was going on as my unit faces the park, and observed the birds frantically harvesting small branches and twigs from the trees. Some birds were actually fighting over materials and were falling all over each other. Creeped me out a bit as I wondered what these birds sense, and/or know, that we don't?"

Something is definitely up with the birds.  Could they be agitated by HAARP?  By the Frankenstorm? Let us know if you are detecting abnormal behavior with the birds in your area.

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Is The New Madrid Fault Coming To Life

This is a very interesting article, it is very informative, and it does a tie in to the issues about the dead birds, and fish.

Is The New Madrid Fault Coming To Life

I found this article from a reliable source.  But today, I thought I would try to trace it to its original writer.  I'm having trouble with this, it looks like it was first posted by "The End of the American Dream" site.  Let me know if anyone discovers the origin of this.

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This reminds me of Prof. McCanney stating in one of his books that creepy crawlers would be fleeing the ground because of the excess presence of electricity. From an email from John DiNardo:

Check the soil for an absence of, or extermination of, insects and worms. When earth vibrations and stresses occur, there is a percussive/pressure related effect on huge masses of rock against one another. These rock-against-rock percussions and stresses result in what is known in the field of electricity and magnetism as the piezo-electric effect,
wherein electric voltage is generated. Considering the enormous masses of rock involved in these geophysical actions, not only are high voltages generated, but high electric currents can result from these voltages, when the electrical conductivity of the ground is great enough due to soil moisture and accompanying soil and rock salts disassociating from
the state of electrically neutral ionic compounds to electrically charged ions, which act as electrolytes, electric charge carriers, greatly increasing the electrical conductivity of the ground soil and rock. The piezoelectric voltages generated are on the order of thousands of volts, so it becomes obvious that these phenomena would electrocute underground life forms, such as insects, worms, and toads. Those that are not electrocuted would be severely stung so as to cause them to flee up out of the ground. This is one of the signs that I suggest your Missouri and New Madrid fault zone listeners look for. And the extermination of insects and worms could be a sign of an impending earthquake following severe ground stresses. As for the complete absence of birds, imagine a bird scratching and pecking into the ground for insects and worms, and being mildly stung, while finding unpalatable dead and rotting insects and worms. This would cause the birds to migrate to other areas for food. Now, if what your caller says is true, that the birds have gone to nearby wooded areas for better eating prospects, visit the woods close by and report your observations to the audience.

John DiNardo

"For some time, earthquakes and piezoelectrics have been associated, and it is generally postulated the effect was associated with quartz-bearing rock. Earthquake lights are often cited as evidence of the piezoelectric output, but little is known on how the electric charge associated with an earthquake moves in the earth and what determines its polarity.
The big 1960 Chilean and 1964 Alaska earthquakes produced observable effects in the ionosphere and serious studies have been underway to identify the mechanism."

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What is it?

On enlargement, you can see shadowy orbs surrounding the main picture. These look similar to what we think is the trail of moons behind PX, however these objects are in Earth's atmosphere.

It also looks like a "V" shaped string of pearls, but if it is and it is in Earth's atmosphere, wouldn't they be crashing and burning?
From the email I received:
VIRGINIA BEACH -- I took these shots on September 5, 2010, and I know they may look like birds, but they were not, and while i was taking these there was a lot of spraying going on as to cover them. What do you think? Thanks to Dean.

Duane: took it to 400 and tho blurry sure looked like round objects an not birdies,interesting he says there was alot of spraying going on, you can see the white line in the corner..

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