The Great Divine Director explained us:
I say again tonight, do NOT ALLOW ONE SINGLE FEELING TO LIVE IN YOU OF CRITICISM OR CONDEMNATION OF ANOTHER; EVEN THOUGH SUCH A ONE MIGHT HAVE MADE MISTAKES. Pour out Our Ascended Master Divine Love! Raise the Loved One who has made mistakes into the Arms of Your Presence and forget all else! You will know such Happiness! Then, you will have done Your Part, to fulfill the Law of Light and Love.
So tonight, Dear Hearts, remember—TO THE DEGREE YOU POUR OUT THE ASCENDED MASTERS' DIVINE LOVE AND BLESSINGS, WILL THE DOOR OF YOUR WORLD OPEN WIDE, INTO OUR ETERNAL LIGHT which releases all Perfection into your use; for your Blessing and for the Purifying and Perfecting of your bodies.
Vol. 8 – I AM Discourses, X:130-131, book:
My personal note: The more knowledge of the Law a student acquires, the greater his responsibility to apply it correctly! If he knows the Law and refuses to apply it, the door is closed and he must suffer the consequences of his own discord. Lack of purity is the source of all suffering and pain, illnesses, financial problems, family problems and problems in relationships. And no one maintains purity, without keeping his external senses focused on absorbing and pouring out only Divine Love to everyone.