Ascended Master’ School
Today I was thinking about what message to post here for you and I remembered a video I saw recently, one of these prominent social networks, which I found very interesting. He said that we cannot please everyone and added that we should pay attention to that, because if nobody is bothered by what we say, if nobody is revolted by what we say, if nobody tries to oppose us, if nobody hates us, then it is because we are not doing anything different in this world.
He did not explain anything further or analyze the matter further, but I was surprised by what he said. Well, I was happy to notice, that there are life streams, working close to the mass consciousness, that they have no idea that they are true light workers. These life streams, even asleep for the spiritual teachings of the Ascended Masters, they have great internal maturity, possessing a superior perception of life, and in a very popular language, they simply sow seeds of light in the consciousness of the masses that follow them, preparing it for higher and more altruistic ideas in the future.
What he said is very true! If you look at the ancient sacred scriptures and human history itself, you will see countless examples of this. All the most refined life streams that left the Great Silence and descended into this human octave to bring a new stage of the Law of God to men, or to propel a group of consciences to move forward, were both immensely loved by some, as well as, persecuted, strongly contested, hated and crucified by others.
The great Krishna lived this. The Pandavas (Mahabharata) experienced this. Master Jesus lived it, Saint Germain lived it, so many other human and spiritual leaders, such as the Prophet Mohamed, Gandhi, Madame Blavatsky, the messengers Godfré and Lotus of the “I AM Activity”, and so many others, were loved by many and contested by so many others.
History always repeats itself, because dominant and discordant personalities (see the article I published about them), who hypnotize and control the masses, are afraid of losing their control, and then attack, revolt, try to dirty or stone those who challenge their ideas and place them in front of the cosmic mirror, where they are forced to face their own darkness and selfish concepts.
Especially the very dominant personalities cause great opposition to everything that threatens their beliefs. They have a deep inner fear of losing their power over others, of accepting that their beliefs were conceived of in inferior criteria of thinking, of facing the fact that what they believe is not a real truth as they have always believed.
Closing this message, I would like to remind you that, these life streams that are born to implant a new pattern, a new stage of the evolutionary law to the world, suffer great opposition, and almost always, by the resistance of the outer self, only after finishing their work, and return home, are in fact exalted and adored by a large number of people. It is these life streams that transmute a great load of negative accumulations of collective human consciousness. To these ones, the merit of all the progress and refinement of human consciousness on the planet belongs. They are our true heroes!
Please, dear hearts, work on the refinement of your human vehicle, do not stone what challenges your beliefs. If someone is God's vehicle that calls your attention to a different concept than what you believe to be true, simply as Gautama Buddha taught us, put the idea aside, and invoke your I AM Presence and your Higher Mental Body, to show you the truth about it. But, make sure that you are truly open to the truth, even if it contradicts an old belief, otherwise, surely, you’ll confuse the Voice of the Presence with the voices of Astral Entities that keep you, sometimes for a long time, under their hypnotic effects.
You do not need to accept everything new as truth, and there are certainly great lies being propagated throughout the world and social networks, so call on the true discriminating power of your Higher Mental Body every day to help you separate the chaff from the wheat. But be careful, do not criticize and oppose what you think, according to your criteria, to be something liar and erroneous, because if you do, you will only be contributing to make your enemies stronger. Saint Germain has always taught me that the best thing to dissolve evil (human creation) is to be indifferent to it.
By Morgan Le Fay
Photo (for illustration only): Madame Blavatsky, founder of Theosophy, the Ascended Master Saint Germain and Guy W. Ballard, from "I AM Activity", examples of life streams that have brought blessings to humanity.