A global pray with the 7 sacred flames with our Lemuria one heart family free on the zoom on 9:00 AM Shasta time
Aurelia opened the gates for us to the City carrying the high resonance of Light in the depths of the enchanted mountain, which formed an open portal to the vast expanses of the Universe.
From that day we are locked into our memory cells, together Heart to Heart, with my brothers and sisters of Lemuria, who give their earthly time - unconditional giving, for the enlightenment of the planet - opening hearts to the teacher and supporting the entire process of Ascension.
We are expanding on the exact work and meeting with the Lemurians who are emerging, Across the planet.
These days as we move on to the new stage of Planet Earth - from the City of Light in Telos is present, we are fully enlightening with members of the Light Fellowship of the 12 Supreme Masters on the Council from the City of Light in Telos!
Beloved, this is just the beginning. Together as a unified chain of light we breathe and sing the poetry of Moriah.
And it sounds up to The Universe and beyond.
Aurelia opened the gates for us to the City carrying the high resonance of Light in the depths of the enchanted mountain, which formed an open portal to the vast expanses of the Universe.
It was she who foresaw the Light Organizations that carry the Telos resonance and memories of her teachers throughout the planet!
Her vision of Enlightenment comes true and today her library of books is famous in more than 17 different languages!
And the Light Organizations are echoing in each of the planet's continents.
Plenty of Fulfillment!
Plenty of devotion to learning and the great creation in the growing Human consciousness these days.
We invite you all to an amazing gathering of Prayer, of the 7 Sacred Flames on the 7/18
All the info and the zoom link
please check out:https://zoom.us/j/97238629873
Blessings and Love from The TELOS WORLD FAMILY TEAM