Founder banned on Facebbook

The #WalkAway campaign has been growing in size and strength for most of the summer as liberals are beginning to realize that the beliefs of today’s Democratic Party no longer match reality. While the left has tried desperately to pretend that the movement is a hoax fueled by Russian trolls on Twitter, the founder, Brandon Straka, is getting ready to prove that there are hundreds of thousands of former liberals who have renounced the Democratic Party – and he’s going to do it on the footsteps of the Capitol.

In an interview with the Daily Signal, Straka said he could hardly believe how much momentum the #WalkAway movement had accrued in such a short time.


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  • @ Byron Absolutely! And it is a miraculous event that so many Dems are waking up to what their party has become.

  • Anyone with a couple brain cells has to reject the democratic socialists agenda as a communist takeover of our country in motion.  

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