whether it is bio warfare, planet x, Emp nuclear attack or solar flares the scenario is still the same for survival.. This series of history channel videos is very real and will in my opinion happen in our lifetime. There a nine videos that will keep coming up on the right. I do not wish to be programed by Tv any longer so I missed this one, You need to see this.  Unles you are waiting for the aliens to come and save you?      

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  • it is far harder, DR, to have family responsibilities, most are like thus, though not so when they all club together and work as a team. once prepared, and able to cope in an emergency situation it is far easier the t relax, and take whatever comes. I strongly suggest to everyone to learn all about nutrients, and f the money is available but a silver lungs machine and make your own colloidal silver. simple things like alycin c, from garlic, vitamin d3, omega 3, magnesium, and multivitamins will go a long way to keeping you healthy. eating juiced vegetables is another excellent way. we may have no choice but to eat meat, so vegetarianism may not be an easy option having six months if freeze dried meals is a good way to ensure survival, also a big berkey water filter may save lives, and simple things like pure  bleach or iodine to purify it.

  • Food,  water, seeds, tools and  self  defense supplies  in place.  Whatever  happens we  will be  ready.  It would  be  cool if one  could  look  back  and  say we  didn't need it  , thank  goodness.  I  would  prefer  that a  million  times  over  to  lamenting that  I  never  prepared  and my  children  go  hungry or are  put in harms way  because  I  failed to  prepare.

    Hope  for the  best  and prepare  for the  worst...........

  • well, chaps, I m of the very firm belief we should pray for our brothers and sisters, and give light and love to them and help them in every-way. but how do we define help? well... wait for it, if there is a gang of looters and rapists and looters and vandals lurking in our neighborhood, causing havoc there is one way of helping them even more effective than prayer--- it is called the good old boot, a damned good kicking all the way down the street, and into the woods and hills where they can't do any damage?  quite an anticlimax.

    there are many, most who need love and compassion, but there are some, a vocal minority where  only way we can help them is by a good beating, not cruelty, by any means, simply to knock some sense of reality in them. I am not for violence but when all else fails either the restraint, or the metaphorical boot are needed, in whatever sense these may have.

    thus, we are all right in this matter. as for myself if things go haywire and society over here breaks down and it disintegrate around me , I will consider walking into the hills and mountains. some of us need to be alone even at best of times. but mots will from communities. if the power goes down and the Internet, it will be the eighteenth century again until things are fixed. there is a saying, ' the best lessons I ever learned in life were the hardest and most painful'. some may need this, the roving gangs, those who have not learned empathy and respect for others, we see them all over the inner cities, in every country, we see them in politics and the police even.

  • DUANE  I am soo sorry that I am really not able to respect too many of the beautiful opinions until there is some kind of proof otherwise and all I can use is history and that alone is not very pretty. Until people stop being murderded in wars for no reason and honesty pervails everywhere , this evil earth is in grave danger and it will continue. Throwing flowers at people that will kill you for a drink of water just is pure bullshit.  Because some of you think you are assending to a higher point, that does not mean for a second that others are. Alex living in Chicago would be one my most fearful thoughts bro. Are people going to change ? Yes they are and expect that you might be on the menue. This world has been very evil for thousands of years and anyone that thinks it is going to change is in a fantasy world. If it does hooray but there is no real evidence that is changing and until that comes forward I choose to cling  to REALITY. I am already preped and I do not expect Andromedians or others to save my ass.     

  • when we are all hungry and scavenging for food, we are all coming round to your house!!!!!!  LOL

    I too am getting my mental preparations, watching the situation as each day comes, Might yet end  up on one of our mountains....

  • Thanks Alex will check it out!

  • "Life is Beautiful"  directed by Roberto Benigni.  A story like few others, if you have never seen it, take the time to, if you have than you will understand exactly where I am coming from. 
    When faced with hardships we all choose how to look on those hardships and how to react.  Most of us get upset, frustrated, frantic and simply lose touch with what truly matters.  This movie illustrates that what is perceived is a choice, what is real is a choice, how we navigate our emotions through a potential mind field is our choice.  Look at life as the most beautiful thing and it will forever be that regardless of what you may be facing as hardships.
    Shape your reality people, its within each and every one of us to let our hearts lead the way.  See the movie.
  • When you are helping others during the whatever is coming. There will be what is needed as long as the heart is included.

  • another thing, and I do agree with you, is to try creating this beautiful world in your daily life. preparing for the worst does not negate enjoying the best possible type of world. Even amidst absolute mayhem, so long a we are spiritually attuned, we can still be at peace and enjoy the beauty of the natural world. . but this is no use if we are hungry and thirsty.

  • Imagination, Visualizations has power!

    Imagining A Wonderful Beautiful World, All Great People, that never had any Greed! Wow now that's what I'm talking about! ;D

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