Archangel Metatron: The Big Game Ends Now

Uma Kumari
Archangel Metatron: The Big Game Ends Now
See the light in the dark!
Nurture your hope, build confidence, and believe that good, beautiful, and true will eventually prevail. The light will triumph and love will reign among men.
Begin to see the light in the darkness, see beyond the veil and fear not the truth that lies beyond the obvious, waiting for you to see.
The great game ends and it ends now! The great shadow players are placed in the light. Whether they want it or not, what IS is revealed and the illusion of the make-believe world can no longer be maintained.
LOVE flows to you in an endless stream – and LIGHT that nourishes you. Your bodies will become finer and more permeable, your spirit will become lighter and more sublime.
Connected to the sky and grounded at the same time, you encounter the phenomena of the discharges that are now showing up everywhere.
A big fire
Never before in human history have there been so many unredeemed energies at play and never before have you had to deal with such encroachment, destructiveness and baseness on the part of those from whom everything is now being taken away.
The cloak of deception will be spread over you to the end, the meaning of lies and truth will be reversed, so that many people will lose their bearings. This is happening now and is happening for a short time. These are the signs of the approaching end and the change that is taking place, in which everything inhuman finally dissolves in GOD.
A great fire is kindled within those creatures who want to enrich themselves and keep themselves harmless from humanity to the end – an inner burning and burning of those who have kindled the world conflagration. Because karma responds through destiny – positively as well as negatively.
Already the pillars of the old world are falling and the pillars upon which the inhuman New World Order is to be erected cannot support either humanity or the world.
The awakening has begun! Every day the powers of individuals grow as the powers of the old rulers dwindle.
A revolution of the spirit has begun and this revolution is contagious. More and more people are being reached and they look up – and take their destiny into their own hands.
Now it is important that you remain calm, that you let time work for you, that you strengthen your trust in God and reaffirm it again and again.
This is your purpose NOW!
The game is over when it’s over. Even though it may seem that the light was the worst hand and the dark would prevail in the end, that’s the part of the illusion that needs to be seen through by you NOW! To break out of this cage, out of this prison of consciousness, that is your purpose and your task NOW. More and more people are awakening this power and stepping out of appearances into being.
The old no longer returns – no matter what the masquerade, because it is recognized in every disguise – it is no longer sustainable and is rejected by people.
The signs of time are already multiplying, the divine light is already penetrating all areas of life and living together. To perceive this, to pay more attention to the light in the darkness than to the darkness itself, that is your task NOW.
Keeping perspective in the midst of planetary fear propaganda is the art.
This mastery is now required of you who are following these lines. You have matured to master this lesson, you are blessed and you are accompanied – you go through ups and downs with GOD.
WELL happens to you in LIFE! GOD guards your way, GOD speaks with your tongue and GOD acts through YOU.
Deep in your heart lies the knowledge of things as they are – from there you draw strength and courage, hope and confidence, certainty and trust.
In the grace of God
**Channel: Jahn J Kassl

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