We know that as Nibiru has approached from the Southern quarter of our Sun, that it's gravitational pull has changed the angle of the Earth's tilt from 23.5 to about 19 degrees ... we also know it has induced a slight wobble into our Rotation ... but other small things are starting to be noticed now ... The Growing Seasons are slightly off ... here in Kalifornia, we have the largest crop of Citrus Fruit ... Oranges and Tangerines and other kinds ... they would normally be off the trees and in the stores around Walloween ... October 31ST ... they are still on the trees now, and its past Thanksgiving ... November 24TH ... my other friends in Baja and in Ohio are saying the same about the plants in their gardens ... there are also reports of the migraiting Birds also forming up later than normal ... people are also noticing the days getting brighter in the mornings, and getting darker faster in the afternoon ... some have noticed that the tides are also off, and that the Sun & Moon are slightly off in their rising and setting. So my question to all of you is ... have you also noticed this ... and what other changes have you noticed?
The changing in the growing seasons was also mentioned in the Kolbrin when the Destroyer passed ... "The seasons were turned around, so that the seed rotted within the soil, and no green shoots came forth to greet the day. All buds withered upon the vines, the land lay dead under its grey shroud. The moon changed the order of her ways, and the sun set herself a new course"