Ascended Masters' Terminology
“Love Life Free!”
There are many expressions that were born with the dictations of the Ascended Masters, they were given in English and some are difficult for foreigners to understand, and even, for native people who do not have much experience with the Ascended Masters’ Teachings. The Ascended Masters brought with their dictations a new terminology, much simpler and more direct than the terminology of previous spiritual teachings, but somehow, deeper. In each Master's talking, there is a tangible information contained in the words we read, and an intangible information behind the text, which only becomes tangible, if we open the portals contained in certain expressions of the texts. Therefore, the importance of understanding and reflecting on what we are reading! Otherwise, we absorb only the superficial part of the instructions.
“Love Life Free!” was one expression created by Saint Germain, surely, also used by others Masters. When the Master says "Love Life Free!", he is asking us to love all particle of life, where we meet it, be it in a human being, animal, plant or mineral, be it in an Ascended Master, Angel, Elemental or Cosmic Being. He reminds us of to love, to always love, regardless of whether people are worthy of that love or not. He tells us to love, even objects, clothes or machines that serves us daily. Because only our love can set life in freedom!
The Ascended Masters ask us to gush oceans of love even for individuals who are temporarily lost in the darkness of human creation. For love is light, so when we pour love on destructive beings, we are contributing to the enlightenment of their lifestreams, even though this is a slow process. Our love acts as an astringent on the dark substances around these individuals and in this way, little by little, our love helps to transmute these misqualified substances and relieves the negative pressure on these lifestreams, in such a way, that they also become able to see the light, recognize their own mistakes, what is good and what is evil, and so, they also begin to make conscious efforts to set life free within themselves and in others.
When we pour out divine love, we seal everything and everyone in the light and in this way, we contribute to raise the vibratory pattern of the planet and all living beings within. Remember dear hearts, all beings and forms are built by electronic substance. And the electronic substance is the mother of all creation.
Soon, as we love life free, where we meet life, and life is here, there and everywhere, we are illuminating this electronic substance, we are rescuing the purity and beauty of electrons and the four elements again. We are cleaning the garments of our Cosmic Mother! We are transmuting all the crimes which we have done against the Holy Spirit!
If we love life free, constantly and unconditionally, little by little, we will recover the original transparency and brightness of the electrons, until one day we will see our bodies and the whole nature become luminous again. Imagine what a beautiful thing we will be! Imagine what a beautiful thing the whole nature around us will be!
See, dear hearts, even in a horrible being, if he has a form, there is a substance of life there, and any substance, regardless of where it manifests and appears, it can only come from one place! From the Heart of the Great Central Sun! From the heart of our God-Parents. Every one of us is an individualized stream of life (lifestream) from the Heart of the Great Central Sun! Even when someone is using it wrong, within themselves there is and always will be some light. And despite that light might be in this moment so covered by dark clouds, within that clouds are still light, otherwise, that form would disappear as an individualized being!
Every time we hate, criticize, point out defects in others, we are just soiling this electronic substance, the body of the Mother of the Universe. We are soiling the Holy Spirit! Because the Holy Spirit is Life itself!
When we love life here, there and everywhere, through our love, we free the electronic substance, the elementals that compose it, from mankind’s discordant thoughts and feelings, giving them back the original beauty and splendor! As we do it, we are cooperating with the Maha Chohan and his work in this planet. As we do it, we are cooperating with the Ascended Masters, the Archangels, the Elohim and all Hierarchy of Light on Earth!
It is very important to learn to love life, because only love can restore its freedom, and restore it to its original perfection! This is so important that we must remember it every day, every hour and every moment of our day. For loving what seems right and good to us is easy! But loving something we don't like is very difficult! However, we only exercise true unconditional love when we learn to pour love for our friends as well as for our enemies!
Therefore, dear hearts, always “Love Life Free!”, that means, free life everywhere through the outpouring of your love! Learn to love, to love all the particles of life within you and in the world around you, to love not out of an obligation to love, but simply by loving to love. When we pour great love, the Intelligence of Love, in addition of releasing life and rescuing its perfection in the beings and things we love, it adjusts our entire internal and external world in the same perfection!
If you could just for a few seconds see the happiness of the God of Nature and the Gods of the Elements, the gratitude of these Great Beings to those who pour love for everything and everyone in this planet! Dear hearts, when they meet someone who does so, their joy is immense and they simply pour oceans of multiplied blessings back to this great heart of love!
I hope I added a little more light to your consciousness, just as I added light to myself in writing it! Let's free up life through our love and together, rebuild the Golden Age on Earth again!
Be Victorious!
Morgan Le Fay