Ashtar: "Operation Disclosure" Begins!
My dear brothers and sisters, it's time. I AM Ashtar and I AM here, at the moment, to announce that from now on, we will reveal more and more!
That's when we'll start showing up in your sky and close to your orbit. This morning we were at a standstill, in Earth's orbit waiting for the go-ahead, we could say. This is the moment, dear ones, we are now in the phase of Operation Disclosure, it is time for us to reveal our presence to the people who are ready to see us.
It will not be your many governments announcing our presence, as you should know now and as other sources have told you. It's about us, your Brothers and Sisters Of The Stars, who are now here in countless numbers, to let you know the truth. And then for you, the observer, to bring this revelation to the world!
We have now passed the calendar time, where your many governments announce our presence because they could not reach an agreement between themselves. And so, as We, The Light Federation and the Galactic Councils, have now agreed and confirmed with the Primary Creator, we will now enter a new phase of disclosure!
It's time, dear ones, it's time for all of you, to begin to know and understand our presence! We waited patiently and we have no more time to procrastinate. The stage of waiting for the help of your many governments in this area has now passed, so we, your Galactic siblings, are now ready to begin "Operation Disclosure"!
We are now at the first stage of this protocol and we will begin to take the necessary steps. This will be done in stages, because we will now make our presence known slowly, but surely. First as a glimmer of light in the distance, then this glow will gradually turn into a light of hope, which will then turn into a beautiful Ship of Light filled with your Brothers and Sisters, ready to help and serve you in so many ways!
Do not worry, dear Hearts, because this is the time, it's time to reveal ourselves so that everyone can see and I say all, that we are moving now beyond those who are conscious and awake, to those who are not aware of our presence. We will no longer be in the shadows and it is towards the LIGHT that we are all moving now, dear ones!
Get ready for the fireworks, as We will be those fireworks, these lights and flickers of such color, beauty and love! Be ready, dear ones!
I am Ashtar and We are all here now, ready to start a new phase!
