Teresa, Jed M, Email address's has to be in database you will not get in! It is the Illuminati web site. only invited guess are allowed! They have Secrete books as well! Anybody that has ordered Books from Kevin Trudeau usually get an letter in the mail telling a story that he has looked in to your linage and is a very special person of interest, After a year are so you get an invite!
Don't forget the Illuminati Web site: http://www.thesocietyofsecrets.com/newactivate.aspx
Where People get hooked in at the bottom, being promised everything under the Sun reversing health problems, Wealth, Popularity, and the very secret meetings. Top it off with being able to talk directly to your God self!
Where People get hooked in at the bottom, being promised everything under the Sun reversing health problems, Wealth, Popularity, and the very secret meetings. Top it off with being able to talk directly to your God self!