July 12, 2010: (CHICAGO) - In a desperate attempt to stop a huge area of the Gulf ocean floor from possibly rupturing due to subterranean methane gas (leading to a calamity no human has ever seen) BP has ripped a page from science fiction books.

The giant oil company is now quietly preparing to test a small nuclear device in a frenzied rush against time to quell a cascading catastrophe. If successful they will have the capability to detonate a controlled fusion generated pulse.

While the world watches BP's attempt to contain the oil gusher at the former Deepwater Horizon site, company officials have given the green light on an astounding plan to use what is known as a nuclear EPFCG charge if all else fails.

Sea floor compromised

Reports still indicate that methane is flooding the Gulf waters at a rate one million times more than normal, and the NOAA research vessel, Thomas Jefferson has reported spotting new fissures. [1]

Last week the science ship stunned some reporters with the revelation that the oceanographic team had discovered and measured a rift in the ocean floor miles from the BP wellhead. The rift was reported to be more than 100 feet long and widening. Oil and methane continues to plume from that rift. BP has also admitted damage beneath the sea floor. [2] Continued...



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  • D, I think posting those old dreams is a good idea, Ronnie has a good dream share discussion going on, maybe it could fit in there.
    I noticed that I had different types of disaster dreams depending on where I lived. When I lived in California, the dreams were about waves, and earthquakes. When I lived in Germany, they were about lots of electrical storms, dark roiling clouds, everywhere, deafening thunder, you know as I describe it, it reminds me of what it must look like close to a volcano. Hmmm, this was when I was living in Bitburg, near the Luxemborg border.
    I've been thinking that our warning dreams may be related to the different geographic locations we're in. I think this could be a great resource for us in fleshing out how things may look now. Since I've moved to the place I now presently live in, I do not have any more disaster dreams. I've had lots of conference rooms, meeting hall, and gathering, teaching and learning dreams, up until about March. For some reason, now, I'm not remembering my dreams.
    My husband's dreams were of the Tyler Texas area, he saw this wave sweep across all of Texas, I think there will be water all the way up to the Panhandle, in Lubbock, and Amarillo. I think this a bit off topic for this post. I'll leave it here for the moment and then move it over to Ronnie's dream discussion in a few days.
  • Oh, and several visionaries, and channelers have been/are mentioning this is a plan orchastrated by TPTB, and though they were written months ago, the facts are slowly coming together... interesting that yet again Haliburton is again at the heart of the matter...
  • sheer lunacy !!
  • FEMA plans for marshall law in ther Gulf States:
  • Be sure to read the entire article above... you do not wan to miss the section on the BP’s secret Omega Plan.... kicked off in earnest on July 7th, 2010... And the fact some insiders believe it could culminate with a world-killing mass extinction event that modern civilization could not survive.... And according to the British Geological Survey (BGS), the United States Geological Survey (USGS), BP and Halliburton have set up a test site at one of the drill rigs...but admittedly only executed if a worst case scenario seemed imminent, and some geo-chemists have expressed concerns that detonating an EPFCG in the Gulf might ignite the methane.

    Meanwhile the preparations for the test continue in Canada.
  • Edina, I had those dreams of a monster wave hitting Florida and feeling as the people died, when I was in Florida. They stopped when I moved here to Texas. I also dreamt of Monster Tornadoes in NYC and the black waters. I thought it was the waters of Hawaii, but I could have been mistaken, perhaps the gulf. I had posted all of them on the other ning. Perhaps I should post them here , when I have a chance
  • Thanks Karen, very hard hitting and good ideas, and I did not know about the failed Russian seafloor experiments for the same reason. Thanks for sharing this.
  • edina; re FEMA; I dont know how they feel, as I dont typically work with them; but some of their preps are icluded in 2 articles I posted (Methane and Marshall Law & this one http://www.huliq.com/8738/fema-readies-oil-spill-evacuation-plans-g...

    RE: How to help: EDUCATION & ACTIVE PARTICIPATION is key! Here are some ideas off the top of my head:
    You could do research on the result of the failed Russian seafloor experiments with nukes (used for the ame purpose as being proposed), and forward them to your reps. and appropriate comittee chairpersons in Washington DC.

    Then, send the info to major/nationwide media outlets (addressed to specific reporters who are already take a strong "no nuke" stance). Then to reporters who are pro-nuke and (lol) let the public debate begin! And of course you want to make sure the info gets to communities known for thier "no-nuke activists" in including online orgs.. And then go with international media.

    Encourge public disclosure at all levels of state and local govs.
    Instigate/encourage public debates (calll raido shows requestiong a debate, and/or certain guests to be invited; send the info to talk show hosts, tv anchors, editiors....

    Then research, publish, and promote the many other solutions/actions proposed by scientists worldwide, so all viable options can be fully explored/debated in the public arena. Follow up by sending all this to the sources you previously contacted.

    You can also publish the prophesies, visions, dreams, and webbots reports that pertain to nukes and/or the "black/mushroom cloud" ...

    Or you can trust Nancy and the Zetas that say they will not allow a nuke to go off!
  • Hey I just got a chance to read this blog, lots of good info

    Karen, I have a question for you, how are all the FEMA people reacting to this, if its okay for you to say, I think it must feel surreal to be in that environment right now. By the way its fun to see you all talking in such a relaxed way. :)

    Hey, d, you're dream is different than the typical disaster dreams that come out of that area of Texas. When Ray lived there he was getting dreams of this huge monstrous wave washing over everyone, and walking out over millions of dead bodies, you know the whole full sensory holographic vision, including smells. This was in the 80's. He said he was depressed for two years from those visions.

    It seems this oil spill/volcano signifies some shift of the events in some way, but, I gotta remember, Clif has been seeing this for years,

    Karen, do you think there is any real way we little folk out in the boonies can do something to prevent the use of a nuclear weapon, everyone seems oddly intent on that for some reason.
  • LOL, trust me, Karen, I would be ecstatic if the dream did not come to pass.

    I don't really watch many cold war movies, but yeah that's the ticket!! As long as it does not come to pass I am good :P

    Makes you wonder WTH these people are thinking with all these toxic chemicals and lack of preparation for something so volatile. Can anyone dealing with this kind of thing for a living be so totally inadequate? Makes you wonder about the conspiracy theories and the validity of their, "This was no accident",claim.

    Lord help us all!!
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