I have just got back settled down to reading Amy's blog, on th dwarf star timeline. as for comet elenin, I thought this was a silly little comet used by the disinformationists, as a decoy from what may be coming behind it. What precisely are the assumptions made herein, this website, as regards Elenin? some think it is the blue star kachina am I right?

so, coming back to Amies blog which I am anout it read, can you give me a brief summary so I know where she is coming from here. I personnaly think if the dwarf star exists, and is it a figment if someones imagaination it js likey to be pushing these comets toward sus, havingf fisrt dispalec them . all the sing are there js soemthing big and nasty, even Jim maccaney seems ot be alluding to something, but he js veyr careful.

I have even pondered on Velikvsky that whilst most of what he says is correct what if the brown dwarf was the actual  engine behind the venus event, when venus swung into our inner solar system. Maybe planet X ir whatever brought venus toward us and there was an even more complex interplay of forces.

so, what assumptions  are being made here please?



I have a wide open mind  and have no really firm views on all this that can't be changed easily.

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  • hmm I thought it was American Indian....make bunkum go sleep... ;-)
  • all joking with words apart, I am posting three very interesting images, taken from Kerry cassidies blog, once I can find a place to post them to.  they look very interesting indeed.
  • nonsense!!!!  a great old British word, well north of England  at least. not quite as strong as the word nonsense, in meaning. claptrap comes close to it though...
  • Brad I second your thoughts.  "Seen in the skies" is not arbitrary. 
  • ummm, what the heck is bunkum....
  • Possible, but I tend to ascribe to the Pole Shift school of thought.  An occurance where our magnetic field flips taking the tectonic plates along for a ride....and yes a rogue planet can cause this, as can hyper activity from the sun.....a star exploding 7500 light years away isn't tops on my list of possible candidates.  
  • very very possible reading transformation, by mark kimmel, maybe tis is the method by which earth is to be cleansed and transformed maybe planet x is merely a ruse, to try to hide this.
  • It would not surprise me if Elenin is simply dis-info for masking the solar system's pass through the photon belt. The Sun and all the planets seem to be warming or changing. Just look how bright Jupiter is now! One can almost see it's biggest moon now with the naked eye. It makes more sense to me that these changes could be caused be this transit through this energy cloud. But what do I know?

    Where is PX? I sure haven't seen it. I doubt Elenin is Blue Kachina either...legends certainly would not exist about something in the sky which cannot be seen!

  • what I should say , far more polite, is comet elenin does not represent the whole picture, forgive my use of the  word bunkum.
  • have you seen the 4.7 richter  the Gulf Coast just now? then it was downgraded , as usual to a 4.6. they seem to do this often. hiding what they can

    things do seem to be hotting up. as for blue star kachina it precedes the rd star , it may be some periodic comet associated with the dwarf star. or whatever. have you seen the extraordinary vies on ursuadams channel on you tube? they are quite inexplicable, I will find the link. taken from a German  station down there using a webcamera that's on all the time I think. no one can explain what is being seen in the video. I can't.!!!


    standeyo website is excellent for monitoring earthchanges by the way.

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