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  • mred, try the finger thing,.

    The Visual Ray
    or How Trevor Taught me Cloud Busting

    The Visual Ray

    Orgone energy pervades, permeates, and extends beyond the boundary of all living things. It's often called the etheric body, but it is also known as the fundamental body, the formative-force body, and the orgone body. Using dicyanin goggles and sensitizing the eyes, you can readily see it as the human aura. With practice, you can dispense with the goggles altogether and see the aura unaided in dim light with the right sort of background. The luminescence we see as the aura is due to the radiation of this energy. This radiation emanates more strongly from the ends of pointy body parts like fingers. You can feel the orgone body as well as see it.

    Sit down in a quiet place and point the ends of your fingers at each other from your slightly cupped hands. Separate the fingers by an inch or two and move them back and forth so they are horizontally traversing each other. Close your eyes and quiet yourself until you feel the feathery, gossamer like brushing sensation as the rays of orgone energy emerging from your fingertips cut across each other. Most people can feel it within a few minutes. As you become more sensitized to the feel of the rays, you can separate your fingers wider apart and see how far out you can notice the effect. For the skeptical who think it's the action of air currents, place a large cardboard wall between your hands and oscillate your hands again. You will still feel the brushing sensation because orgone goes right through cardboard.


  • Okay here's a place where we all can join an Event to help others! Check it out!

    Click on Project Intro's:

    So Cool you can control the Wind Sooo Coooolllll!
  • Kim, I believe what you stated, about focused intent. I tried it just yesterday. It has been extremely windy in our parts, unrelenting. I was outside for some time and got tired of my hair blowing every which way (having to pluck it from my mouth and eyes constantly). I decided enough was enough and stood perfectly still and demanded the wind stop blowing. What an unintentional experiment that turned out to be. Either it worked, or the wind was about to slow anyway. But, whatever, the wind came to a near die-down. Freaked me so, I quick focusing, It came back. I have the experience to bank on, though. A good thing.
  • We have Poetry!

  • web site is very cool!

    Some downloads too!
  • I like this part:

    "Beyond applications for psychic and psychotronic protection, a Powerwand can be programmed with your intentions to address any problem or concern. Most people don't realize that human beings can literally affect the direction of reality with their thoughts (focused intent). The effect is more powerful when coupled with an emotional charge. Some people use anger, but love is a more powerful carrier of focused intent and delivers better performance. We are conditioned to believe that we are helpless waifs casting about in our little dingy on a wind swept sea of adversity, but that perception is a dillusion . "

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