Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, December 23, 2011

Congress is set to give the green light on funding for a massive expansion of TSA checkpoints, with the federal agency already responsible for over 9,000 such checkpoints in the last year amidst increased fears America is turning into a police state following the passage of the ‘indefinite detention’ bill.

The increase in funding has nothing to do with the TSA’s role in airports – this is about creating 12 more VIPR teams to add the federal agency’s 25 units that are already scattered across the country and responsible for manning checkpoints on highways, in bus and train terminals, at sports events and even high school prom nights.

“The TSA’s 25 “viper” teams — for Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response — have run more than 9,300 unannounced checkpoints and other search operations in the last year. Department of Homeland Security officials have asked Congress for funding to add 12 more teams next year,” reports the L.A. Times.

The demand for $24 million in extra funding is in addition to the $110 million spent in fiscal year 2011. The figures are completely independent from the federal agency’s role inside the nation’s airports, which costs taxpayers $5 billion a year.

The extra money is being demanded despite the fact that there is “no proof that the roving viper teams have foiled any terrorist plots or thwarted any major threat to public safety,” according to the L.A. Times report, which also highlights how the TSA’s sniffer dogs are used to single out people for questioning if the dog smells the scent of the owner’s pets on their clothing.

The appearance of thousands more checkpoints on America’s highways and at key transport hubs will only heighten concerns that the country is headed towards a Soviet-style police state.

Such fears were again expressed last week following the passage of the National Authorization Defense Act, a provision of which empowers the government to arrest Americans and hold them in a detention camp with no legal recourse.

With the federal government now seeking contractors to provide staff and supplies for “emergency camps” located around the country, the possibility of innocent Americans being swept up in a dragnet following a declaration of a national emergency has never been more of a threat.

The TSA is being used as a literal occupying army to ensure Americans who travel anywhere are constantly under the scrutiny of Big Brother.

Back in October we reported on how Tennessee’s Homeland Security Commissioner announced that a raft of new “security checkpoints” would be in place over the Halloween period to “keep roadways safe for trick-or-treaters”.

Earlier that same month it was announced that Transportation Security Administration officials would be manning highway checkpoints in Tennessee targeting truck drivers.

After public outrage, the TSA attempted to neutralize the controversy by claiming that the inspections were carried out by State Troopers (the TSA agents were there to try to recruit truck drivers into becoming snitches for the ‘See Something, Say Something’ campaign), and that the checkpoints were merely temporary.

In reality, the program was the latest phase of the TSA’s rapidly expanding VIPR program, under which TSA agents have been deployed to shake down Americans at everywhere from bus depots, to ferry terminals, to train stations, in one instance conducting pat downs of passengers, including children, who had already completed their journey when arriving in Savannah.

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  • no more mention of religion from me, I will say no more, Byron, stick to what is going on!!!!!!!

  • you don;t need religion, I keep saying, there is just as much and more sanctity in everyday living, in the glorious universe we live in, than any church, they are simply crutches, for those who refuse to let go of dogma. Stan and others seem to encapsulate this, every so often they feel a need to refer to the bible but this is only the work of men like themselves. I find it strange to say the least. it dilutes it enormously, the real content of what have to say, in terms of earthchanges and planet x . The science says it all, without religion.

    Just listening to the link below, quite far.......

  • I hope to have not made anyone here feel of kelter. Stan has always made a mess of my thinking with his change of directions. To each his own. The next step of the evil misinterpetation is the Muslim BROTHERHOOD. tHEY HAVE A FOOTHOLD IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND NO CHRISTIAN WILL BE LEFT ALIVE. They are already burning the churches in Egypt and Irag and Shrea law is everywhere. Zionism say's christians should be boiled in oil and are goim or cattle. The dark side of religions have taken a terrible toll on mankind.  

  • My post got edited wrongly, below is what I should have started with s 

    ' whilst I  have great respect fr Stan deyo and his ilk, and they have fine intellects, they have one foot in the past and outworn ideas etc.

  • he and they have such fine intellects yet come crashing back like babies, and small children clinging to fictions such as the bible. it has some aspects kf great beauty but some very dark aspects ti it. how can thus work of man be attributed kt a great being of perfect love and compassion, Stan and his ilk seem to have one mental foot in the past and another rooted in reason. my own way is take everything, all aspects of reality as some expression of the Creator if we can use that concept. instead of thinking of planet x as some work of God to punish us, why not accept it as some force of nature like the common wind and rain. why cling to ideas that are essentially animistic in origin . simply accept whatever comes and deal with it. Example, if the house come crashing down by some meteorite instead of seeing it as the hand of God, which is ludicrous, see it it as an opportunity, to start again. I wonder at the real mental maturity of men such as stan deyo and others like him. Steve quale is another who I also respect greatly but not for the religion they continue ti preach. silliness at best. they  are an excellent people  by any standards but still have this clinging to outworn ideas.

  • I have the same problem with Deyo, I never ever was able to finish any of his shows. I could never understand how a man with his knowledge could be stuck in a novel that science has put in an impossible time line of history.

  • I say wait until March, April, May, we may see what the end game is. they are moving closer to it now, but three months will make this all clearer. still, it may be like  bear trap operating in slow motion. I am not convinced though it is the American people  being persecuted on purpose, it is how they will react to events. same with the Europeans. there can be no more terrifying, horrifying spectacle,e than  modern civilizes c society reduced d to a state of ruble and anarchy,  starvation, disease. if these earhchanges are real, and nit some Internet fantasy, this js what we can expect. hence get yourself  asag haven. In your country if I lived there I would have small Armoury, believe me. some very choice weapons, amd plenty of ammunition and oray they nevr get sued. but kf we are tk have a sate f narchy and socielt breakdown, there may be times we need the use f a gun. mayhbe severk. . it js a simple choice but unplaatble.

    I listened to part of a radio show with Stan deyo, though got fed up with all th religious talk, anyhow Stan said there is a crackdown on information about Yellowstone, and special high capacity data links have been installed to monitor the magma. there is one hell of a lot we are not being told one hell of a lot. .

    what I wish to know is what is the the break point, when all this rises to the surface and the lid can no longer be kept on it. when the conclusions are unmistakable whatever they are. So, about three to say six months we should be a bit wiser. I hope so.

  • No matter what the cost I will always stand up myself. Our constitution is toilet paper and has infringed on yours with the NDAA. We are many and they are few, in the long run we will win if we can stop the genocide they have planned for us. 

  • you have  to have that red line in the sand neither you nor they can cross  it.  It is easy for me having no family save my aging father,  and a sister in Australia, the rest are a bit remote. I live alone and can lose it all if needed. It is hard when the fear of god is put in you vis a vis wife and children. it is always the fear. and there are always  examples , again Forrestal, Schneieder, Matthew Symons recently who was supposedly found dead in his bath. very suspicious.  yet if we stood up to them again it s they who will become the criminals. and can they run forever? the problem is, we act like a herd, we act with regard to what others say and think, how many can be truly free, in mind and speech? and guard that   freedom and not have it compromised by the threats and actions of a cabal of thugs?

  • There is no standing up for anything left bro.

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