Seventh of our daily meditations

to raise vibrations and build up energy toward the Event

I fill my heart with the Infinite Love of Prime Creator.
I AM a child of the Universe. Now I AM the pure expression of loving kindness and compassion. I AM gifted to see the loving pulse of life in everything my eyes rest upon, as God sees the loving pulse in me.
This is my Ascension.

Sixth of our daily meditations

to raise vibrations and build up energy toward the Event

"Now is the time to LIVE the vibration of the fifth dimension.
Mother Earth has achieved her Ascension.
She is showing us the way as the nourishing mother
she has always been.  Let yourself be lifted out of duality to
achieve the completion of our Great Plan.

Fifth of our daily meditations
to raise vibrations and build up energy toward the Event

Repeat this mantra 3 times every hour.
This will raise your vibration to create harmony within and without.
As you speak this mantra you will create the reality of your ascension:

 "All of my Thoughts, All of my Feelings, All of my Words...  "

Fourth of our daily meditations
to raise vibrations and build up energy toward the Event

I live in Faith; I live in Love. I am one with All That Is.
I stand in the Light as a child of the universe,
the embodiment of my Creator. This brief life is the gift I am given to experience myself in Love. I reach for Love in all...

Third of our daily meditations
 to raise vibrations and build up energy toward the Event

I AM in complete alignment with my Higher Self, my soul, and with the loving and serene source, Prime Creator.

I AM the creation in his/her image and I carry within m...

Second of our daily meditations
to raise vibrations and build up energy toward the Event

I give thanks for the all life-affirming experiences I have encountered in this life regardless of how challenging it felt. 

I give thanks to all people who came into my life who raised my consciousness.

I give thanks to the celestial realm for the love, support and guidance they provide.

First of our daily meditations
to raise vibrations and build up energy toward the Event

I envision our beautiful Blue Planet, Mother Earth, shining in the Light of the Great Central Sun. 

We give thanks to our Creator and the entire Company of Heaven for the blessings of prosperity and peace which have been created for us to enjoy in this New Golden Age

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    Folks, as I mentioned earlier, referring to my previous message from Sananda on April 11 (below)
    , I am spending some personal time in accordance with Sananda's wishes. On April 14 I received another message (via Kathryn)...

    "Today is your last night in lower dimensions. Enjoy it! Forget about posting, emailing or any other responsibility using electronics. Everything will be easier when you come back. Never mind finishing up every last bit of work. Your desk need not be neat and finished. All is well, you can send messages easily later. Don't worry about downloading, answering emails or producing shows. Tomorrow will be the last show and you may all ascend afterwards. What is there to talk about now, but the moment in astrological time, and the great adventure ahead? What else would you like to think about? Join me in the celebration, beginning now. LOVE to all of you, Sananda"

    So folks, I am doing just that. I had really not planned on all of the electronic time yesterday, but the call needed to be heard. Remember what Zorra told us about "Are you ready? -- What do you have planned for tomorrow?"  I canceled three appointments today ... am not answering the phone ... doing almost no emails ... have no future plans ...  and although I was told "Forget about posting..." I felt you needed to know why I am not doing personal responses. This is a very special time. I am wearing particularly heavy veils (part of the Plan) so I have no advantage over you, probably less. But, I am learning ... and Sananda is here, teaching me.

    And I believe Sananda's personal message, above, can be well applied to all. How much do you want it?  Have you emptied your calendar?  Are you meditating and grounding throughout the day?  Or are you back on the email and telephones, checking on each other?  Is THAT the Process of Ascension?

    Sananda and I love you all.  But we have agreed to take some special time, just for us now.  And know ... we have some very special Galactic Events coming up, so "No more shows"
    ... This is a whole new Era unfolding before us!

    First Wave ... you have till April 22nd!

    With our LOVE,

    Anne and Sananda 

  • Twelfth of our daily meditations
    to raise vibrations and build up energy toward the Event

    It is now the moment for surrender. In the fifth dimension there is no 
    time, therefore no planning. There is only manifesting your dreams 
    with the energy of your heartmind, in the glorious flow of life.

    Large events require many heartminds working together.
    This is what we are doing to create new Earth.

    I now join my love with others; I expand my mind and expect to be astonished
    as the bigger picture unfolds.

    The love, the faith and the hope I am sending now to the collective comes  
    back tenfold. We are the World, we are One.

  • Fourteenth of our daily meditations
    to raise vibrations and build up energy toward the Event

    "Here behind the veil I have no conscious memory of my past lives,
    but  in my heart I remember.  I remember Sananda and our deep connection.   
    I remember my pledge to Mother Earth and to all humankind,
    my beloved brothers and sisters. 

    We pledged long ago to overcome all adversity,  
    to rise together to fulfill our destiny of love. 
    We call that destiny Ascension. 
    I have accomplished my mission. 
    Now I am ready to reunite  
    with my beloved family in higher dimensions."

  • I can not find the Twelve one. It was skipped for some reason.

    The words of Metatron inspire the following mantra.

    Thirteenth of our daily meditations:

    "I am the responsible steward of my thoughts. What I dwell on I bring to myself. I choose to live free, to release worries and fear, and to create my own well-being. In the powerfully uplifting energies of the coming full moon, lunar eclipse and Cardinal Grand Cross, I join with the energy of God consciousness. I respect and nurture others and embrace Love. It is the science and frequency of God. It is the path of Ascension."

  • Eleventh of our daily meditations
    to raise vibrations and build up energy toward the Event

    Love is a state of being, from within to without.  It is the greatest  
    force in the universe.  Love is a choice as much as it is a feeling or  
    a decision.  I command to live in Love every moment.  When I act from
    a place of Love I create with great power.  Use the Language of love  
    in the beginning of every thought and sentence you express. 
    Use Love  in every action you take.

    Tenth of our daily meditations

    to raise vibrations and build up energy toward the Event

    The time is being shortened. Our days apart grow less.
    Cross time and space I call to you.
    Come fill this emptiness with your sweet caress.
    You are my destiny

    I long to have you hold me, to feel your warm embrace
    To taste your kiss upon my lips, trace the contours of your face
    Sweet surrender totally. The you of you and me of me

    I’ve known you for a thousand years and countless more as well
    We’ve lived and loved and faced our fears, known both heaven and the hell
    What more is there to tell of such a love that so compels, the two of us as One

    Born of God twin flames are we, Conceived, ignited in His heart
    One breath, one soul, one love, Forevermore, eternally

                                                                                                         ~  Maitreya

    Nineth of our daily meditations
    to raise vibrations and build up energy toward the Event

    Envision the celebration of your Ascension - the grand finale. Feel the accomplishment, the culmination of lifetimes of conscious loving effort. You made it! Visualize and feel the joy! Picture who is with you, hear the music you are dancing to, see the friends surrounding you. You are a shining light. God is your friend embracing you. This is why we came.

    Eighth of our daily meditations
    to raise vibrations and build up energy toward the Event

    This is a mantra that will help you align with All That Is and bring you Peace. Feel the warmth in your heart as you are seen, heard and loved.
     Repeat this mantra 3 times every hour.

    Creator I know you hear me, that I AM heard,
    so I may hear and listen to others.

    Creator I know you see me, that I am seen,
    so I may see clearly the one in front of me.

    Creator I know you love me unconditionally, that I am loved,
    so I can love unconditionally myself and others.

    Creator because YOU hear, see and love me,
    I know all is well in my world and all is well in our world.

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