Days of Darkness
So this is my take on these speculations of what the 3 or 10 days of darkness means. I listened to everyone's take on this and this what my higher self has to say.
I awoke last night around 2:22 wide awakened pulled out of the astral and etheric realms because something here in this 3D reality needed my help. As I dropped into meditation I got a message from my guides and higher self that said the children need you they need us!
I saw visions of children being carried by soldiers. Some of them could not walk due to physical problems and or emotional trauma. I saw soldiers crying in outrage over what they where witnessing. I am crying right now as I wright this. Tears of healing and compassion for these souls has been pouring out of me all night long.
We need to come together and hold them in the healing rays of creation. I have been and will continue to direct all energy of the violet ray towards these traumatized souls. And I ask that any of you who feel inclined to help will do the same or whatever resonates with you.
So the days of darkness have begun and it is not going to be easy for most when these truths begin to surface. I hope you will be the lighthouse in the storm and help your friends and family find their way through this. I was shown this is the dark night of the soul for the collective consciousness of humanity. The catalyst into the new age of love and light.
So there will be no world wide internet and phone shutdown at this time although there will be pockets and nodes that will go down while operations are carried out. The days of darkness is in reference to the rescue of these children, woman and slaves. So whether it is 3 days or 10 does not matter. These soldiers and the children need us to support them.
After several hours of emotions and tears I went out side and sat in my hot tub. The moon was blazing with anew light or frequency and I saw several ships flashing near it. I yelled out what about the children! Are you going to help us help them! They flash at me and the message was YES we are helping them! Some of these souls are so damaged that we on mother Gaia do not have the ability to heal them so they will be going into healing chambers aboard the ships.
After this I calmed myself and started saying, singing and chanting a mantra that I (we) do not consent any more to the controllers of this matrix! I ask that you all do the same. So just insert your intention into the collective consciousness that you do not consent to anymore, slavery, sexual abuse, or any other malevolent control of this planet and you are reclaiming your sovereignty!
Be LOVE in every moment!