Earth Glancing X1.1 Solar Flare - November 10, 2013

"Another X1.1 Solar Flare was reported at 5:14UT this morning around active region 11890. Today's impulsive eruption occurred in an earth-facing position on the solar disk which would imply the resulting coronal mass ejection should have components heading Earths way. A very bright Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) has been observed at the time of making this video, the bulk mass seems to be heading well south of the ecliptic however a glancing blow is expected from this blast sometime late November 12. Associated with this eruption was a 10cm Radio Burst (TenFlare) reaching 360 Solar Flux Units lasting 3 minutes and a Type II/IV Sweep Frequency Event.

7 X-Class Solar Flares have been reported since October 25th and solar activity remains high as another two active regions are rotating the eastern limb today."

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