Dear People, what you condemn in another you are almost certain to do yourself, somewhere along the pathway, because you have charged that quality into your world. If you do not use the Violet Consuming Flame sufficiently, then that will outpicture in your own life.
“BELOVED MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE”! You stand guard over my tongue, and never let me speak words of criticism, condemnation, judgment, or blame of any person, place, condition, or thing! Reach down Your Hand and withdraw all substance of criticism, condemnation, judgment, blame, or other human qualities with which I have charged my being and world! Consume it all in the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame and Saint Germain’s Spiral Blue Flame; then stand guard and see I do not requalify any more of Your Pure Energy flowing through my being and world.
Excerpt by Beloved Cyclopea from Volume 7
Decree # 37 from “I AM” Decree Booklets, Book One: page 26
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