My Dear Ones, if I could tell you the millions of incidents where individuals in great distress have placed the attention upon some Ascended Being or the thought of the “Great God Presence” of Life, and held it there long enough—in every case the Help came from that greater Life to the lesser life because of the Oneness of that Life through the attention there. And so it is with you. So it is with the world. …
So if you will remind and remind and remind the outer intellect that it must keep the attention upon the “Mighty I AM Presence,” the Perfection of that “Presence” and the Perfection in the Powers of the Ascended Host—and as you realize you are One with that Life, and Its greater Perfection is waiting to flood into manifestation in your world all of Its Blessings for Eternity, you cannot lack for any good thing. That is what your Blessed Godfré means when He said: “Do not look to human beings, but turn to your ‘Presence’ and let your ‘Presence’ govern conditions out here and regulate them, so the right supply comes to you the Divine Way.”
Excerpt by Beloved Goddess of Liberty from Volume 18
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