Excerpts from an Address by
June, 1953
When I stood in the court of Sanat Kumara and offered to take upon myself the necessary disciplines to become the embodiment of love for a planet, the angelic host, the devic and the elemental kingdoms, I realized that I would have to MAKE SACRED through this flame (the Sacred Fire of Mercy and Compassion) in my heart all of the energies that I had used in all the incarnations I had known. When you once understand that, it be-comes a joy, because you become centered in this Fire of Purification and all the energy that is returning to you through the experiences of the day. You sanctify, by welcoming it, transmuting it, and returning it to your Causal Body, so that it may go out no more. Some of you have felt the recoil of this energy and you have resented it and battled over it, and you have become depressed over it and wept over it, when there is no need. Know that it is an opportunity to sanctify the energy of your life in preparation for the days that are yet ahead.
Oh, that wonderful Law of the Circle! The outgoing energy passing through the Sacred Flame of which I spoke, taking on the qualities of your various bodies through the centuries that have been— and now, by the magnetic pull of your own Holy Christ Self, being called HOME, not to lash or punish or discourage you, but because through the doors of your own heart that energy might find freedom. From your heart it came, and through your heart let it pass back into the Great Eternal. You have now learned NOT to invoke those energies to injure life. You have learned HOW to become harmless. However, those PREVIOUSLY-QUALIFIED ener-gies must yet return home . . . It is the law of your life. Here is a com-forting thought, you can stop the rapid returning flow of that energy in a moment and allow its return for redemption to proceed more slowly. You do not have to make sacred all your life energies so quickly, to make the great sacrifice, as I did, if you do not choose to do so.
You stood before the Lord of the World and said, “I shall sanctify the circle of my life through love.” Let me refer for a moment to your beauti-ful Violet Transmuting Flame. In the East, we have called it “the Flame of Compassion and Mercy.” It is of such tremendous assistance in this re-demption of energy.
I wonder if there has been pointed out to you the approach required of the individual soul before the flame is set into action! This is the flame by which you intend to purify your own miscreations when it is joyously and vigorously employed, BUT FIRST YOU MUST SET YOUR OWN HOUSE IN ORDER. Forgive and balance your own energies toward life before you use it. My son has said “Forgive us our trespasses as WE forgive those who trespass against us.”
Great numbers have gathered together and in the power of that flame have asked for release, but how many have first entered into the secret heart chamber and forgiven ALL of life? That is the efficacy in Its use for you, my dear, sweet, earnest and lovely flowers in God's king-dom! It shall be done unto you according as you do unto others, and this Violet Transmuting Flame has not been manifested in its full efficacy by any of my beloved Saint Germain's children, because the lifestream has not taken time to BECOME the Mercy Flame FIRST, in FEELING and in THOUGHT. *
The Bridge to Freedom Journal, book 2. pp. 32-33. Ascended Master Teachings Foundation.