A Review of Galactic Work to Neutralize Chemtrails – Part 1/2
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No offence taken.
Jacks Please do not take offence. I lost my faith in most channels when they began to believe that O was our savior so I feel that their are a few that are giving false information to keep us pacified until our doom as a country and people is placed on our plates. know you are very spiritual and I commend you for that, but I am very cautious in my beliefs. Too many times in the last couple years I have been deceived by messages that seemed genuine but were not.
My intentions when I see chemtrails is that something or someone (I pray) cleans this up and dissipates it to something inert.
Sorry is the Link to reading About Sylphs(Cloud entities)
The Sylphs are very helpful just asking for there help they come,I even ask them to showup when opening a portal and a Grand Sylphs showup to help in providing encouragement. It was my first time!
Jacks I certainly have enough to practice on.
When you see these Chemtrails and other stuff we still needs to setup are intention to clean them. that Is what theresaying that they need us to do Basically!
I really do hope someone, something, is helping neutralize these chemtrails.
This is from 2of2
"The next report came from Archangel Michael in August 2013. In a personal reading, I informed him that two readers said that there are still chemtrails out there. He responded:
Archangel Michael: Any release of substance has been neutralized for a while. So, yes, this is part of the unseen work that is being done by your star brothers and sisters and by Gaia herself.
So what may appear to be chemtrails are simply different formations. Nothing is taking effect.
Chemtrails are in the same category – well, perhaps more vicious and violent, more assertive and aggressive – as the pollution of your oceans, your lakes, your rivers. And these are being neutralized one by one by one.
So know this and know that is being taken care of. (5)
I asked him if depleted uranium, which is even more fatal than chemtrails, fell into the same category.
AAM: Oh, it most certainly does.
SB: If the galactics had not neutralized depleted uranium, would this planet have died?
AAM: Yes.
Now let me explain. It is not just that she would have died. It would have been that her will to continue on would not have been there.
SB: Wow, eh? That serious.
AAM: Yes, that serious. (6)"
I have always wondered how we have survived this long and I really hope this true.