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  • My free checking account at Wells Fargo is now $15 a month.
  • The banksters are also stricking back!  They are punishing the people by this. -----  I just read a news report where Citybank will set asside less money for bad lones.  Also just yesterday I got a notice from my CC company that they are going to use more fees that will run above everything else 1.5% of balance and 25$.  Seems like their plan is to destroy America. 
  • Lorrain I have a feeling that is what they are waiting for to call martial law I think most of the protesters are aware of this that is why they have been peacful. I would not expect too much truth from the main stream media.
  • Byron

    I agree 100%

    but when so many are packed in to a small place things could go wrong and people can get hurt

    like yelling fire in a theater

    it will only take a small group to start the police into more disturbing actions or start a riot

    I can't help but remember Kent State

    they have bio/chem teams there


  • Lorraine  it calls the demonstrators radical the graduating college students mindless also says everyone voted for Oboma. I really can not see that this is anything but peaceful except for the police brutality There are factions of the Oboma regime trying to take over but the people have lots of reasons to be there and it does not include reelecting the same administration that caused the problem. Marxists and collectivists they are not even though some there would like to direct it that way. The words Chaos and  and Mob do not belong there. IMO 
  • Byron

    I don't understand

    is this story a lie?

    is there a different story somewhere i have not seen?

  • Sounds like FOX news wrote this.
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