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    video to go with the link - very convincing

  • BTW, their estimate of loss of life is a little bit high. 

  • Fascinating.

    "The standard explanation for this offered by academics is the idea of one giant continent called Pangaea in one giant ocean on the earth at the same size as it is now. This explanation is clearly wrong as it defies math in the form of the spherical trigonometry expressed in the coasts of the continents. In other words. It is not possible, on a globe that is the size of today's earth, to fit the continents back together. The curvature of the earth gets in the way. The edges do not fit when this is tried. But clearly, the coasts of the continents, just as with the edges of a torn piece of paper, look like they fit together. Indeed they do. Simply not at the current size of the earth. For the edges of the continents to snug together (at the continental shelves), the earth would have had to be only about one third its present size."

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