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  • "I can't stand the middle road any longer on this issue.  You are GOING TO DO what you are going to do but I must CLEARLY warn you about these childhood injections against disease.  It is nothing but a program to destroy the working immune system. The reasons for your children getting one infection after another is that these immunizations are damaging the nervous system and wiping out the immune systems of your children."  This is also true for animals.

    The approach here is to find a good holistic healer or integrated M.D. that knows how to clear out the damaging toxins left in the body by these poisonous concoctions.  Homeopathics are one way.  The other way, certain herbals.  Also the Medical Medium is a good source on what types of plant based nutrients to use to cleanse the body of everything.  It is sad to see children suffering so much.  When my daughter had to get vaccines (father and mother in law were raising hell that she needed these), I made the doctors space them out.  Then through my integrated m.d., we used homeopathy to clear out the junk, and support her immune system.  Then when they required those vaxxes in middle school, we skipped them (used religious exemption).  Nor did we do the h1n1 vaxx again not necessary!  BTW only 1/4 of the school students did the nasal h1n1 vaxx at that time.   

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