Have the French done it again?

"Bob Moriarty: The very first worldwide revolution has begun"

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity,...

...Those memorable words penned by Charles Dickens in 1859 begin the story of the times leading up to the French Revolution and ending in the Jacobin Reign of Terror. The Tale of Two Cities may be back for an encore. So might the Reign of Terror.


Have the French done it again?

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  • Who do the Yellow Vests think will take over if they boot Macron? I can tell you right now it will be another brain dead idiot determined to line his own pockets until he gets the boot.

    This process of rule by elites has led to the bizarre situation in the US where a tiny group of determined Neocons managed to subvert the entire political and military establishment of the country on behalf of a meaningless little shit for brains country in the Middle East. No more than thirty total they still took total control of the establishment involving the nation in one meaningless and expensive war after another. It has gotten so stupid and out of control that the very first law considered by the US Congress and US Senate in 2019 was a bill to make boycotts of Israel illegal.

    You may still boycott the Mormons and Buddhists. It’s legal and OK to boycott the Pope or Donald Trump should you wish. And advocating boycotts of Hillary will still be allowed. You can boycott whoever and whatever you wish. Except for Israel. Twenty-six states have already incorporated rules requiring loyalty oaths to Israel. In Europe you may not question the Holocaust. If you even debate what happened, you may go to jail.

    Now that’s power.

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