Watch the video by UrsuAsams, BUT pay attention to the symboles and images used in this video as well as the information presented...
Recall what I have shown about the symbol differences between the "Rod of Asclepius" and the "Caduceus"..
One is the Trickster/Thief, the other the Healer.. Remember, the Caduceus was used to represent Ophiuchus at the other Ning, which was incorrect....
Beware of the Caduceus!.. The USA has been using it since 1902 for 110 years in 2012..oddly enough..
Go on YouTube to view the new video. Recently release from this guy name Alex Cullier, I do believe that is his name. Look at all the videos he has. He was abductee when he was small, with friendly alien beings. Now being a adult he is said, to bring his story forth, for everyone should hear. What has been going on through the government and what has not been told about certain other species out there. With the three bases on the other side of the moon, to other earth like plalnets. Also about the truth about planet X. But one should view, before you decide for yourself. Fact or Fiction? That is the question. Only in your heart you'll know if it is true.
Are you ready to ascend with all of us. Myself, I am ready to go into the new world. With the rest of us, which have gone through the light body work.
If your interested go to and learn more about it for yourself and your friends. It is qutie a good feeling when your done.
Take Care friend.......Peace, Love, and Light
That's it's shield, the ring. A discovery concerning Saturn revealed a very large ring around it that was never detected before...