One of the biggest secrets in bio-psychology

Why do humans display herding behaviour on physical
and mental levels:

Wilfred Trotter, FRS (1872–1939) was a British surgeon, a pioneer in neurosurgery. He was also known for his studies on social psychology, most notably for his concept of the herd instinct, which he first outlined in two published papers in 1908, and later in his famous popular work Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War. Trotter argued that gregariousness was an instinct, and studied beehives, flocks of sheep and a wolf packs. Gegariousness in humans is based on different principles as there are psychological principls involved as well as practical. What Trooter was after though, was collective herding (eg football crowd effect). People appear to live independent lives but can suddenly follow a group once something is triggered (beliefs, values, laws etc). Humans can be brought together from all over the world to follow the same set of rules. Trotters research led to the identification of genes/proteins which captured the biological drives thar underlay the principles of this behaviour. These biological components are found within herd animals.

Working at University College Hospitalin London, as professor of surgery, he held the office of honorary surgeon to King George V from 1928 to 1932. He was also a member of the Council of the Royal Society that conferred their Honorary Membership on Professor Freud. Trotters ideal were adopted by the American government through working with Edward Bernays, Freuds nephew.

Trotter coined up a plan, working with genetic evolutionists of the time, to develop herding, sheepie behaviour in man by promoting the daily eating of ungulate meat (eg sheep, cow). The alchemaic properties of eating this meat every day would lead to man absorbing behaviours of herd animals. This principle is held true and is a secret held today, especially by the Rosicrucians.The idea will be mocked at in the public arena. Today, we are inundated with beef and lamb products.

Beef burgers were a good way of getting man to eat herding animal meat en mass. In addition, the use of bovine products in vaccinations were used to enhance the process of passing herding genes into humans. TB vaccine is such a medium. People were vaccinated with genetic material that would make them more susceptible to herding behaviours. The sheepie instinct is within us literally. Eating pork and chicken is better as these animals herd to a lesser degree even though pigs are ungulates.

Aristocracy tended/tend to eat the meat of non-herding species to avoid these effects (eg rabbits, boar, hare, wood pigeon, quail, pheasant, grouse, certain fish). Venison was eated by those ignorant.

To get people to realise px is real, people need to not eat these bovine or ungulate products and avoid vaccines with ungulate products in them. Eating them will maintain the strength of the collective magnet which attracts the views pushed out by PTB. Try your best to make those who you care about vegetarians or just to eat fish and chicken. Even more, get them to eat from things from nature which are independent in nature, whether plant or animal (eg the oak tree) They may adopt the spirit of these. Its a first step.

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  • Irma, thanks for pointing me in the direction of Dion Fortune. She appears to have been a disciple of Blavatsky and then started her own offshoot branch of exploring hidden phenomena.

    It is true that organ transplant partners have a sympathetic relationship, or at least a magnetic drive between them to get back to the organ doners body and vice vera

    I wonder if the doner feels more driven to seek the body that its body part has gone into, or whether the recipient feels a stronger drive to get back to its original body. If there is a magnetic pulling, it could be either way, although commonsense directs ones thinking to adopt the belief that there is a stronger drive of a recipient seeking the doner.
  • I just try to use methods like these in healing using old examples but using the law of analogy:
    take toenail pairs and hairs from a leg of someone with gout and put them into the hole of an oak tree (oak tree represented a gouty leg) drilled to the pith. plug the hole with the same wood and mud. The oak tree should draw the disease out the being with gout. Oak trees are picked as they are powerful (weak trees should not be used). It could be an issue doing such a thing today as oak trees are protected and I am not sure whether drilling the hole would harm the tree.

    For someone who has suffered a stroke, one can use lard, little cystals both analgous of the brain, with added toenails from the hand and foot of the affected side. Put all these into the oak tree as above. Healing can take 1-3 months.
  • there is an experiment called "a lamp of life and death" from blood to test the blood theory:

    prepare a lantern or lamp from distilled or darined human blood from a chosen candidate which has been cleaned of all mucus; then feed this blood and maintain the flame with nothing else but oil and, using an asbestos or other non-inflammable wick, continue to do so for as long as the person lives out of whose blood the lamp has been made. Once this lamp or light has been lit, it burns steadily as long as the person lives. It goes out the very hour, minute and second the person dies.

    You should also know that when the flame is light and clear, tall and still, the same person experiences no hardship of mind or body. When it behaves differently, and flickers or wavers uncertainly backward and forward or rises in spurts, or is lower than usual, or cloudy, this is a sign of anguish, depression, or other adveristy. For because its astral link and natural sympathy with the human body (the blood is sustained by the blood of the man himself and the essence of the blood also contains his physical life) it reflects the individuals condition and circumstance whethere they be bad or good.

    Symapthetic rapport can be created between 2 beings using this method (even more beings the more involved).

    Dr William Maxwell c 1619 said in his De Medicina magnetica that there is a connection formed of spirit or rays between the body and its excretia, even when the latter is far removed from it.

    Sympathetic healing can take place using this logic.

    The recipe is taken from J.E.Burggraf: Biolychnium, seu lucerna cum vita ejus, cui accensa est mystice videns iugiter, cum morte ejusdem expirans, omnesque affectus graviores prodens 1629.
  • Blavatski, have you read Dion Fortune's books? as I recognised some stuff that I read from her.
    It is also known that a blood recipient can take on characteristics of the donor. This is even more so when there has been an organ transplant. Several stories confirm peoples personality change after the transplant. They've even made films from this subject.
  • Wow i really want to join in but have no time...
    Just this quickly. When animals are slaughtered, there is increased adrenalin in their blood which we are consuming so it also makes us (or the people who eat it, not me) more aggressive. Like primeval man, it enhances uncivilised base instincts.
  • "Blood is a very special juice." Steiner has something to say about the blood as well as the Bible, I'll try to look this up later on and post this, for now, my lunch has gone long, and the great outdoors and chores beckon, or rather demand, ;-), my attention. Talk more soon, e
  • This opens up a whole new world view. I think what you are calling sympathies, I often reference as resonance. or dissonance, or perhaps I experience resonance/dissonance because of the sympathic nature of reality?
    Again, this would make sense if, in fact, we are all unique expressions, or aspect/attributes, of One Being, in Christian terms, this would be called the Corporate Being of Christ, which I think in esoteric traditions is much more inclusive than in orthodox traditions.

    Blavatsky, where have you learned this alchemical language?
    I'm loving this, thanks B, I feel like I am expanding, :)
  • More evidence of the sympathies in nature:
    Burggravius wrote De Lampadis vitae in 1500 AD, and ir included something called the Life Lights. The examples which were used to explain the phenomenon were about blood doners and telepathy (strange that they were donating blood back in 1500!!! and we are told it's a procedure not that old).

    When the blood doner Georg Lee of Copenhagen perceived that the patient for whom he had given his blood on the day before had died, he felt, so he said, a sharp pricking pain in his arm from which the the blood had been taken about the time he supposed the patient to have died. Indeed, he also remembered two former occasions on which he had experienced this pain and, it as it was such a rare occurence, he had been anxious to get to the bottom of it. So, when he felt it again, he noted the exact time, and the next day was able to establish that the patient had died. In thirty transfusions, there were seven cases of death in which he was able to ascertain the fact with certainty by some form of telepathy.

    Nature has it's own forms of telepathy..plant telepathy (like the vines and French roses ), animal telepathy and so on. Imagine the effect of this view with respect to recipients of blood from donors. Imagine, if one is given the mixed blood of many doners!! Many people who give blood may feel off for weeks after they have given blood but cannot relate it to the trauma of a recipient of their blood. Unexplained pains and headaches...what it the person gets ill but does not die. The sympathies may still be felt. Blood is a very special juice.

    This eletromagnetic return flow connection or sympathetic contact can be felt in many day to day settings:

    hypersensitive people always get a feeling of heat or even a headache on the day their washing is done. Why?
    Heat from the washer on their skin cells.

    Those who thoughtlessly threw away hair combings may suffer in a similar fashion ... birds may use it to build nests and they have a higher blood temperature than humans.

    Don't give away your hair at the hairdressers, or your pulled teeth at the dentists - you never know where it might end up. When a doctor takes your blood, he could add things to it to make you ill or in pain when you never were. Don't give blood.
  • Wow, B, you just took this conversation to a whole new level!!! And, this is a conversation I would like to continue, if we can. I have always thought you were a very smart person. Now, ... I'm thinking that you are brilliant, and I am not saying this to stroke your ego. I truly hope to learn from you, I'm relatively new to the idea of thinking in alchemical terms. You seem to have much experience in this.

    So, let me see if I'm following you correctly on this. When people are messing with our genes, they are messing with the world-at-large, when people are messing with the world-at-large, they are messing with our genes, right?

    I'm already on top of the Bruce Lipton work, whereby, the culture in which a cell is grown determines if a muscle cell expresses itself as a muscle cell, or a bone cell, or a nerve cell, therefore the cultural medium, or the environment, is the determining factor of cell expression, rather than the cell genes.

    These seem related.

    I'm trying to imagine what the larger implications of this is.....hmmmm, Dinny pondering, while she works. ;D

    Thanks, again, B
  • The guiding principle of alchemy is, "As above, so below; as within, so without." In its overal form, structure and composition, the microcosm of the human body reflects the macrocosm of Nature. A good example is in the plant kingdom, where certain varieties of wine start to ferment and "sound" in the vat in the very same night in which vines from which they came burst into bloom. This captures a generic sympathy in nature. Artificially cultivated varieties of flower will disappear all over the world at once. Remember the French Rose!! They all died at once in the whole of the world. So, think about this with respect not only to what we consume but to our genes. We can all feel something (good or bad) en mass in the world if the genes of what it represents are in all people.
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