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WASHINGTON – The House Armed Services Committee late last night finished marking up the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which contains a dangerous provision that authorizes a worldwide war against terrorism. The bill was also amended to include a troubling provision delaying the implementation of the repeal of the discriminatory “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. The American Civil Liberties Union strongly opposes both of these NDAA provisions.

The war authorization provision was added to the bill by the committee's chairman, Rep. Buck McKeon (R-CA), and goes much further than the current authorization of war. It has no expiration date and would allow a president to use military force in any country around the world where there are terrorism suspects, even when there are no connections to the 9/11 attacks or other specific harms or threats to the United States.

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  • Plus this is the last go.... it's the end of the mission. Obama is to cancel the space programs.

     Is it because of the budget....or Elenin?

    The Space Race can trace its origins to Nazi Germany, beginning in the 1930s and continuing during World War II when Germany researched and built operational ballistic missiles. Starting in the early 1930s


  • I bet the Pope wants to know the latest on "comet elenin" from the space shuttle itself but of course will be saying the contact was for something else....
  • True something's up with that and do recall the British broke with the RCC long ago creating their own church system, so would it be precieved as an insult by the British...

    Pope has never been used in such a way before???? 

  • Thank you so much Brian for the correction.. I miss read about the 16th and thought it was cancel again till the 21st..They said May 4th first? Then had electrical problems so it was delayed again....

    Now it launch the 16th I believe is what I see, day after May 15th castastrophy anniversary Israel...


    But it looks like it's still on for May 21st....

    the Pope in Rome, Benedict XVI will be connected via satellite to the International Space Station on 21 May at 13:56 hours during the last shuttle mission 'Endeavour', said Tuesday the spokesman of the Holy See, Father Federico Lombardi. During the satellite connection, the Pope will release a video and audio message

    This has never been done..and I guess we will see if it happens..


  • LOL, Keith you just never know...

    Another interesting development is that the Endeavour launch was suppose to happen same date as the Royal's Wedding which was also Hitler's marriage to Eva...April 29th...but the storms were raging and tornadoes were numerous in the USA and people were killed by the was cancel.

    Now they are having the launch on May 21st "Judgment Day" and the Pope will be involved which has never been done before......and as you know the British belong to the Mother Church of England that split from the RCC during HenryVIII rule in the 1500's...

    So looks like a slap right back to me.... Seems there's been a lotta slapping going on lately..

    What's coming next..

    Palestinian Statehood push for September 2011 which looks to be Israel's 9/11...


    Remember what's happening in September 2011 concerning Elenin and Virgo the Virgin..

    This is just getting stranger by the minute...

  • Makes where to run and no where to hide......a definite deterrent to international crime against humanity.
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