"How Could Stanley Ann Dunham Have Delivered Barack Hussein Obama In August Of 1961 in Hawaii, When Official University Of Washington Records Show Her 2,680 Miles Away In Seattle Attending Classes That Same Month?"
by Tim Brown

Editor’s Note: The following is a piece that was previously posted at Pamela Geller’s site in 2008, though I don’t know the actual author of the piece. I then reposted it sometime in 2012, but somehow it was deleted, but not by me.

Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah’s ineligibilityreally was a true constitutional issue that needed to actually be heard before the people. I wrote many articles on what it means and how our founding fathers understood what a natural born citizen was defined as, and even in the current condition, Obama never qualified.

With that said, it is still an issue even though he is out of office. If Republicans truly wanted to turn back time and overthrow the entirety of the Obama usurpation of the White House, including every jot and tittle of Obamacare, and indict him, then this would be the silver bullet to do it, but they aren’t interested in that. They are more interested, as they always have been, in gaining power, but not really doing anything with it.

With that said, I’m going to repost this in hopes that people will stir this issue up again since Obama is no longer in the White House, he would not need to be impeached, but he most certainly would need to be indicted, tried and in this case, nothing short of the death penalty would suffice. While I don’t agree with all the conclusions of the writer, I do believe there is much here that still needs to be answered and investigated.


How could Stanley Ann Dunham, be 2680 Miles Away When when her alleged child was born.

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  • Trump has been firing them for two years so there are probably a few and several judges.

  • Obama still thinks he is president and Kerry still think he is Secretary  of State and Feinstein was caught talking to an Iranian on the phone. How many traitors from the previous administration are operating in the shadows against not just Trump, but against America!

  • I love what Trump said about Obama " when I am finished with him it will be like he was never here " He is still lurking in a basement down the street hoping to sneak back in the white house.

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