"Hurry" a dangerous habit
Our beloved Saint Germain says:
These days are days of great acceleration, as the Earth’s axis is being permanently straightened and the planet moves rapidly forward at the same time. The entire system of which beloved Helios and Vesta are Sun-God and Goddess is also rapidly moving forward which, of course, makes it necessary for the vibratory action of your bodies to be "stepped up" a certain amount, every twenty-four hours, just as much as you can comfortably stand. Here may I bring to your attention this important point that, because of this acceleration of the speed of your four lower bodies (your emotional bodies – feelings, your mental bodies – thoughts, your etheric bodies – memories, and even your physical – flesh bodies) there is often the tendency to hurry.
You see, it just naturally follows that the vibratory action of your world must accelerate as you purify yourselves more and more. Then too, it must accelerate as you accept our assistance, which comes to you through the radiation of our light and love. This "radiation" which we give, is our very own life, the actual substance of our being and that substance quite naturally vibrates much faster than do your own worlds here. So you can easily understand why your worlds vibrate faster than those of the masses of the people. NOW, WITH THE ADDED ACCELERATION OF THE PLANET, ITSELF, YOU SOMETIMES INDIVIDUALLY FEEL THE TENDENCY TO HURRY, AND HURRY ALWAYS BRINGS DISTRESS OF ONE KIND OR ANOTHER.
It is very necessary for the chela to clearly understand this at the present time, so that he will consciously control these feelings. Calling to any of the Ascended Host (particularly to beloved Gautama, New Lord of the World) in the name and authority of your own beloved I AM Presence and asking us to charge your world with our feelings of perfect balance in all you activities, will enable you always to take the middle way. This will enable you to enjoy and benefit by this natural acceleration, which must take place as our planet Earth moves into the orbit of Uranus, first, and, later, into the orbit of the planet Venus the "Love Star," in the system above.
Such a conscious, watchful control of your energies will enable you also to enjoy, in practical daily living, greater emotional stability, mental alertness, etheric clarity and more physical strength and energy, all of which will allow you always to hold the feelings of balanced poise, dignity and general self-control which are the God qualities and real nature of the Seventh Ray and all who sincerely serve me and my cause. Remember, you now belong to the royal house of freedom! You are accepting my life and love, using my name and representing me to the world. In this regard, to the very best of your individual and collective abilities, I know you will endeavor, always, to represent me worthily!
Oh, we are such happy beings and sometimes, informally, we laugh and just enjoy life. However, there are other times when we are embodied dignity and there will times in your own personal experience, yet to come, when that magnificent quality of Ascended Master dignity will stand you in good stead, were you to develop it now! There will be times in the near future when the qualities which are mine as Lord of the Ceremonial (Seventh Ray) and which I would like you to allow me to invest in you, will help you through certain experiences through which you shall yet pass. Will you give me opportunity so to help you?
Book: Journal 4, The Bridge to Freedom, Ascended Master Teaching Foundation – AMTF