New study reveals how glyphosate in Monsanto’s Roundup inhibits natural detoxification in human cells


Friday, May 24, 2013 by: Lance Devon

(NaturalNews) The modern age of industrial agriculture and manufacturing has dumped heavy metals, carninogens, plastics, and pesticides into the environment at alarming rates. These toxins are showing up in most human tissue cells today. One distinct chemical may be trapping these toxins in human cells, limiting the human body’s ability to detoxify its own cells. In a new peer reviewed study, this sinister chemical, glyphosate, has been proven to inhibit the human cell’s ability to detoxify altogether. Glyphosate, found in Monsanto’s Roundup, is being deemed by publishers of the new study “one of the most dangerous chemicals” being unleashed into the environment today.

Download the PDF of the study here:

How glyphosate destroys human cells

Glyphosate, most commonly found in conventional sugar, corn, soy and wheat products, throws off the cytochrome P450 gene pathway, inhibiting enzyme production in the body. CYP enzymes play a crucial role in detoxifying xenobiotics, which include drugs, carcinogens, and pesticides. By inhibiting this natural detoxification process, glyphosate systematically enhances the damaging effects of other environmental toxins that get in the body. This, in turn, disrupts homeostasis, increases inflammation, and leads to a slow deconstruction of the cellular system. Toxins build up in the gut over time and break down through the intestinal walls, infiltrating blood, and ultimately passing through the brain/blood barrier, damaging neurological function.

Important CYP enzymes that are affected include aromatase, the enzyme that converts androgen into estrogen, 21-Hydroxylase, which creates stress hormone cortisol, and aldosterone, which regulates blood pressure.

Getting to the gut

Even as evidence mounts, Monsanto asserts that glyphosate is not harmful to humans, citing that its mechanism of action in plants (the disruption of the shikimate pathway), is not present in humans. This is not true.

The shikimate pathway, which is involved in the synthesis of the essential aromatic amino acids phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan, is present in human gut bacteria, which has a direct relationship with the human body, aiding in digestion, synthesizing vitamins, detoxifying carcinogens, and participating in immune system function.

By inhibiting the body’s gut flora from performing its essential function in the human body, glyphosate heightens many health issues facing the Western world today.

These conditions include inflammatory bowel diseases, Crohn’s disease, obesity, and even dementia and depression. Also, by restricting gut bacteria from absorbing nutrients, glyphosate voids the body of essential life-giving vitamins.

Depletion of serum tryptophan and its link to obesity

Glysophate’s damaging effects on gut bacteria lead to depleted sulfate supplies in the gut, resulting in inflammatory bowel disease. As more chemicals are absorbed from the environment, alterations in body chemistry actively promote weight gain by blocking nutrient absorption. By effecting CYP enzymes in the liver, obesity incidence is compounded, impairing the body’s ability to detoxify synthetics chemicals. Since serotonin is derived from tryptophan and acts an appetite suppressant, the depletion of tryptophan encourages overeating in the brain, leading to obesity.

In need of urgent, massive awakening

Authors of the new review point out that “glyphosate is likely to be pervasive in our food supply and may be the most biologically disruptive chemical in our environment.” Monsanto is already lashing back at these claims, calling this peer reviewed study, “bad science” and “another bogus study.” What Monsanto fails to is mention that most of the studies on glyphosate’s “safety” are conducted by Monsanto themselves, which is bias to the core.

The authors of this new study instead call out for more independent research to be done to validate their findings. They are concerned with glyphosate’s inhibition of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes in the body, which are hindering the body’s natural detoxification ability.

There is certainly a need for more empowering education on chemicals like glyphosate. There needs to be a kind of public mass awakening that correlates Monsanto’s Roundup with skull and crossbones. If anything, Americans have the right to know how their food was produced, engineered, and poisoned, and everyone should pitch in and stop using toxic glyphosate-laced Roundup at all costs.

Sources for this article include:

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  • Cool beans  !   So  glad  to hear  it  :) 

    And  yes  it does  take time,  as  with  anything worth doing   right it is a  long  process and  people  must  understand  that  it  takes  years  for  toxins to  build  up and  do the damage  they  do.  One  cannot  expect  to  be  able to  rid  the  body  of them  overnight.  :)

  • Desertrose, I have been detoxifying my body and consuming organic and less contaminated food as much as possible for some time now. It has taken 6 -12 months for my body to show signs of correcting the imbalances (which have mainly shown in the form of eczema) due to an over acidic system.

    For any one who is taking (or considering taking) this path (of detoxification) be aware that it will take time. The human body is an amazing piece of equipment that can usually handle a lot of abuse, but with consistent continued abuse over many years it will break down. To reverse this process and detoxify will take time for the body to readjust - please continue with this process for at least a period of 6 months and you will eventually see the benefits.

    It is worth it - start now - start today - and clear your body of toxins which will eventually clear the pineal gland and open your mind to receive all sorts of new information (that is now available due to the recent opening of portals, etc) - which may be the key to individual evolution. Go for it!

  • Kim, Organics  may  no longer safe either.  The   USDA  is  trying  to introduce substances  that   till now have  been  prohibited  by the  Organic  regulations.  They  are  determined  to  allow  the  encroachment  of  these  corporations  and their  poisons.  Not to mention  make  sure  that there is  no  form  of  untainted  food  out  there.

    Codex  Alimentarius  is  creeping in on us   slowly  and   quietly.  People just  do not  have the t ime  nor the  resources  to  keep  up with all the  things  they  are  doing to make  sure  the  food  and  water  supplies  are  within their  control.  I  will be  posting  the  article  on the  USDA  and  Organics  a  bit  later so  you  can  see what  I am  referring to .

    Peter,  you are  correct   we  are   spiritual  beings  having a  human  experience.  However,  the  full scope  of  our   spiritual awareness and  development  is  tied at least  at   first  to   our  endocrine  especially  the pineal  gland.  For  those  who have  already  developed  awareness and  are  in  tune.  The  poisons  in the  food supply can  be  taken  care  of  by regular  and  conscientious   detoxifying.  However,  for those  who have  not had  the opportunity to have awakened  to the  spiritual  aspect  before  the  damage to  endocrine  system  had  been  done ........  Well,  let's  just   say  it is a  rather  difficult  road to  travel without a  properly   functioning system  that would be  considered  the  gateway or conduit  if  you  will.  Not impossible,  but infinitely  more   difficult. Some of  us  are  also more  susceptible  to  these poisons  than  others.  Kim  would  be  an  excellent  example  of that. 

    Therefore  it is  extremely important  that  people   come to the  realization  that  there  are  poisons  being  willfully  and  deliberately  being added  to  our  food  supply for less  than  altruistic  purposes  as  so  many  believe,  or  st  least   want to  believe.  Knowledge is  power  and  it  gives  everyone  an  alternative.  To be  able to  continue  as  they  have  until now  or  take  measure  to  counteract   the  poisons  that  we  have  been  assaulted  with  for  so very long.  :)

  • This is why all of humanity needs to seek out integrated/holistic M.D.'s who know how to detoxify the body with homeopathics and other holistic treatments.  I do try to put myself on a detox program for 8 weeks on homeopathic remedies.  The damage in my body has been done thanks to GMO wheat.  I just wish I could convince my family to get off it.  My neighbor last night was saying that we could grow our own heritage wheat as she says there is proof people like me with auto immune issues can eat that with no problems...

  • Peter good comment

  • Fantastic article - thanks "desertrose"!

    This information is so important for human health - and although (as I believe) we are spirits having a human experience - a healthy human body (and mind) is still so important for us during this experience to become more aware of our total being by opening our receptors to this knowledge.

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