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  • Just my take but I seriously don't think that anything dealing with Iran will kick off WW3.  They will not be trying to block the straights of Hormuz, its just a whole lot of posturing on the part of Iran.  Currently the USA has 2 major war ships in that area, you may ask what for.....well if you have ever seen one you would immediately know....for intimidation, a not so friendly reminder to Iran, that we may not be at the top of our game of late but we still set the rules.....Oil has been inflated in price since the early 80s when a barrel was going for 12-17 dollars, skip ahead 10 years and the price has crept up to 60-70 dollars, by 2000 - 2010 we have the great privilege of watching speculators peg oil at 170-200.....
    Here is the crucible of all this, we have found larger and more bountiful deposits of oil since the 90s, and opec is not withholding oil.....why would prices rise if we are in the midst of a glut....because they can with little recourse from we the sheeple....Iran is not going to walk away from its cut of the profits, my prediction is that they will initiate talks with the UN about getting inspectors into Iran to monitor nuclear activity.....after posturing a bit more that is.
  • The plot thickins, Prudo bay alaska is the biggest oil reserve in the world recently owned by Exxon and just sold to the satanic queen or british petroleum which is treason selling american oil to a foreign nation when it belongs to us. India is a friend and would not double cross us unless we asked them to. Anyway how will anyone get oil from Iran when the straights are being closed. Lindsey Willians predicted this a long time ago. There is a lot going on and it will not be easy to figure out.  

  • The first part of the game was to raise the price of oil to 200$ a barrel this will do the trick and the elite win again.

  • Yep it certainly will ,make our worthless currency more worthless. The EU has decided to put sanctions on Iran and the straights of Hormuz are being closeed WW111 is almost here. Get ready.

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