Inquiring minds want to know ...

OK.  I have a question to all of you.  Each one of us were called somehow.  When we heard about Nibiru/Planet X something inside of us sounded the alarm ... knowing instinctively this was true.  We started searching, preparing, and looking for like minded people.  It reminds me of Close Encounters of the Third Kind.  Maybe not at the level that Richard Dreyfuss's character was absorbed but enough to be here today.  I believe that there are psych ops being conducted toward the common man. But what has happened to us that it did not work?  What has set us apart?  I think it is a good question to ask.  If we could find out what the common component is then it could answer some other questions we may all have.  May be each one of us has had a spiritual event that has made us more in tune.  Or maybe none us are drinking water with flouride.  Maybe the spiritual event caused us not to drink the flouridated water.  Causes one to ponder ....
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  • some basque peoples have south western french origins
  • Blavatsky,

    My mom is mostly German, French, & Irish.

  • Same here, can't stand to see "seafood" boiled alive.  Crabs will actually jump out of the pot.  Now you know they feel pain when you see that.  :(
  • Understand that Kim, I was forced to eat the meat - such a struggle eating an animal that was alive.  Haven't had any game animals though and am my most happiest eating eggs and beans.  Would love to raise chickens but only for the eggs, I couldn't kill them to eat - my husband could, not me.  But like you, as long as I get it from the grocery store, I'll eat ocassional chicken or turkey mainly because my family wants the meat.  They aren't happy living on quinoa and beans like me.  I pretty much lost it as a kid when I watched my mother toss live lobsters into a large boiling pot of water.  Didn't eat dinner that night. 


    Jacks, wine is like poison to me.  Any of is can really alter people.  I do enjoy an occasional beer or gin and tonic, however, since I've had all these crazy symptoms with my endocrine system over the past four months, haven't had a drop of any of it.  It's for the best from what you say.

  • raina, rh- is the main blood group of the basque people.. does your mum have origins to them via spanish links?

    More than fifty percent of the Basque population is Rh negative, as opposed to sixteen percent for the rest of Europe.

  • BTW, I also absolutely refuse to eat hunted deer, rabbit, squirrel etc.  Yes tasted them, not fond of it as for some reason hunting repulses me.
  • I grew up eating meat cause everyone else did.  When I hit my teens, I became more aware of reverence for all life including animals and began to eat less meat (more fish, eggs).   My reasons did not start having to do with animal welfare, but what some farm animals have to endure is sickening such as baby calves kept in boxes and chickens (laying hens) kept on battery farms (that is another subject entirely).  I also cannot eat an animal especially if I saw it alive before it is slaughtered.  Only reason I do eat meat right now is because when I buy it in the store it is already dead and I never knew the animal (if any of this makes sense).  I do have a preference for turkey and chicken (but would not be eating it if I had to kill to do so).  I cried one time for a pig at a 4-h auction because I knew what was going to happen to it (it was bought by my relatives and I REFUSED to eat any of the meat from this animal).  Yes some meats do have good flavor but when there are no grocery stores I will be eating eggs and beans for protein. 
  • I did Like to eat Beef, Pork, Chicken, Fish, Duck, Deer, etc... You name it but after reading the Oahspe I quit, also alcohol, beer, wines, liqueur. Great Spirit advised that the dark ones are waiting for you to drink too much so they can take over, if you are a drinker they lay wait follow you till just the right time. I have seen people change from a great persons to very mean mischeveus a@shl@es.
  • Kim, did you ever enjoy eating meat being a type O+ and then it evolved into not eating meat because of animal welfare.  Same question to you Jacks . . .  sorry for my curiosity about the topic because I believe that children know pretty quickly how they feel about eating meat and although they don't know it, it's based upon their blood type.

  • I'm a O+ do not consume meats. I consume nuts, smoked-seaweed, potato-family, veggies,oats, rice, very little-milk, eggs, I'm not a Vegan. When I did consume meats It slowed me down, Now O+ needs to stay away from dead wheat(flour, bread, etc... ) that is about everything in the stores.
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