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  • After reading the EO 4 times all I could see was the answer to along time question of mine. ( How will they start Agenda 21 )  The EO mentions only chemical and biological weapons, that explains how they will herd people. They may or may not compensate you for work, that is slavery. Takeing what they want from who ever they want and giving it to who they want, WW11 comes to mind. Every facet of your life is covered here and you will no longer own anything if they want it. If you refuse the terrorist squad will be there to change your mind or remove you. Rights, there are none. I wonder who wrote this. It certainly was not our leader he can't even find his birthcertificate. Congress will be given a yearly report ? How long is it going to last ? My guess is that it is permanete maybe that is why the EO has no number it just may be the last one needed. I did not find one good part and I really tried.

  • Link to book by Gary Allen that is mentioned in the audio:


  • I listened to this twice...

    Could it be the door opening to the NWO, instead?

    'fessing - my dad was a pastor, who studied and preached extensively on the book of Revelation. Whether I agree or disagree with what he believed and taught isn't as important as the fear he displayed about 5 or 6 years ago. He was in the early years of his decline, preaching only by invitation because of his declining health. While he was in rehab (once of many times) we got into a discussion about world affairs (which, at the time, were so minor compared to this day).  Knowing his days were numbered, (I'm assuming) he felt the need to share his feelings with me about what we were soon to go through. He was deeply concerned about the welfare of his children, believing THE Lord's time is here. So many people I meet and know pooh-pooh the sorts. My mind is numbed by the possibilities --- The NWO seems to be winning.

  • Thanks for explaining it Jacks.....not as bad as it sounded initially, thanks for the banner: Alert! Obama declares/updates Martial Law.....a lot can be said about presentation.

  • I received this email from a friend about this ex., order!

    "correction... it was an executive order for national perpareness that
    allows the takeover of corporate america, just heard it said again...
    Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2012 00:00:30 -0500
    today on my way to work... I heard on daytime talk radio that merryl
    lynch or one of those super big firms like that got caught laughing at
    their board meeting about how they ripped off the american people...
    now... on night time c2c show 4th segment on the podcast from last
    night I just heard Congress passed a bill to allow them to take over
    corporate america.  I seen this documentary called The Century of Self
    on youtube and back in the 30s Congress did take over corporate
    america because they were caught ripping off america and caused the
    depression so the government stepped in and stopped it.  I think
    coporate america leadership is about to get fired... and the
    government is about to restructure corporate america again... and that
    would be great news... if corporate america had its way we would be
    making less money per person than the people they exploit now in other
    countries...hope I'm right about what seems to be happening..."

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