I have watched her two interviews; wisdom " vibrated" from her speech; see it for yourself
I'm not good in computer/tech; if the link not work ; please try keyword VIMEO, or interview with "Little Grandmother"; each part around one hour long
2010 with Shaman, Kiesha Crowther (1 of 2) on Vimeo
Mar 4, 2010 ... This is Part 1 of a 2-part evening with Wisdom Keeper/Shaman, Kiesha Crowther, "Little Grandmother". Recorded before a live audience at ... vimeo.com/9928120 |
2010 with Shaman, Kiesha Crowther (1 of 2)
5 months ago
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11. 2010 with Shaman, Kiesha Crowther (1 of 2)
5 months ago
Around the world, wisdom keepers are saying that 2010 is the year we need to "get it". The time has come for us to wake up to who we really are.
This is Part 1 of a 2-part evening with Wisdom Keeper/Shaman, Kiesha Crowther, "Little Grandmother". Recorded before a live audience at Santa Fe Soul, here is information that helps make sense of the time between now and 2012.
This is Part 1 of a 2-part evening with Wisdom Keeper/Shaman, Kiesha Crowther, "Little Grandmother". Recorded before a live audience at Santa Fe Soul, here is information that helps make sense of the time between now and 2012.
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Stating facts is impressive, but it's time to deliver, otherwise we just go in circles again, bouncing back and forth on relative thoughts from our ego and conditionings (the two brain hemispheres). Anyone can easily achieve actual self-realization through that natural process of awakening and silent meditation, but the point is that it has to tangibly happen inside.
Sincerity and enthusiasm are not enough. Every person has the unprecedented opportunity to reach enlightenment now, but it's a very specific process, not just some wonderful knowledge to get excited about.
Best wishes for all,
Thanks for sharing this video.
To Fly Like The Eagle
To Dare Like A Bear
To Raise Like A Mountain
To Love Instead Of Fear
Dick Scott
I agree with Edward, who commented earlier that the state of “becoming” or “being” is to be experienced; it won’t come through mere “information” digested through the intellect, however fascinating and heartfelt the “information” and however many kernels of truth it may contain. This always leads to intellectualizing, confusion and debate, which keeps us in our heads. Devotion to concepts, at best, further clouds our vision,
at worst, leads to warring.
If we don't feel for ourselves the infinite within the finite ... which is the miracle of this life, what does it matter what may or may not happen tomorrow? Without the clarity, what does it matter how many "light beings" may be among us if we can't or won't see them for what they are?
I know someone who does deliver on this; I want to share with you my teacher, Prem Rawat, also known as Maharaji. He’s beautiful to listen to, but more importantly, he offers a practical, hands-on technique for going within, which he calls "Knowledge" (some might call it meditation.) "Knowledge" is a first-hand experience, not information based on the experiences of others.
Maharaji speaks for himself so I won’t say anything more other than to say that nothing I’ve ever learned compares to this and I'm deeply grateful.
Maharaji can be seen at:
(Interestingly, I just found that a few videos of Maharaji speaking at events have been posted here on "vimeo.")
This informaton sharing from Keisha Crowther "Little Grandmother" is truly beautiful. THANK you Keisha for your efforts and all other participating in these videos!
It makes a bit more sence now when I think about that I always been drawn to the "primitive people" wisdom, such as indians and africans..
Living in harmony with each other and mother earth that's what life is all about..
Also a ton of thanx to Bob Keeton whom posted these videos..
Most important, to me, is the fact that we are ALL teachers and we are ALL students.
Be Peace, Love and Light
A man named Benjamin Creme, chairman of Share International, has been a speaker for 'Maitreya', the World Teacher for the coming age. Creme has actually stated that Maitreya has started his 'open mission' and will reveal himself in the not to distant future (haha, well, we've heard that before, but hey, we'll see...:) Now, I won't go into whether you believe his message or not, that is totally up to you, but what it interesting is that with Maitreya, also the Masters return to the Earth (some already have). This is very similar to what has been said by Kiesha about the return of the lightbeings. Also, from what I've read in books from an author called Ken Carey like 'The Return of the Bird Tribes' and Starseed Transmissions, there is talk about very similar things and revelations. It is also said by both Creme and Carey (well, information given to them), that this is said to happen in or around the first decade of the 21st century.
However, I am very much mind oriented, critical and sceptical, and so I am not convinced by mere talk, however convincing or similar it has been. I wish I had faith, but I haven't found it yet, so I sincerely wish that what people like Creme, Carey and Kiesha have been saying for the past years, actually and finally will be visible and proven beyond a shadow of doubt. Until it does, however much I try to convince myself that this is actually happening (which I've tried and failed), it will be stuff of the mind to ponder over. And this sort of information is not something meant for the mind, but for the heart, at least that is what i believe.
Nonetheless, I very much enjoyed listening to Kiesha, loved here spontaneity :-)
I know and have interviewed Benjamin Creme and several others related to the Maitreya 'movement' and I have many questions but chief among them is the value in waiting for someone to come and 'save us'.
Most of the wisdom-keepers are saying it's a do-it-yourself proposition and that, to me, sounds far more realistic.
The very best to you and again, thanks for sharing your insights and views on this critically important material.
But...of course, I hang on to no specific movement or person. I only trust myself, and I will see what happens. This is all I can do at the moment :-)