Posted by Dee Fatouros on December 10, 2019 at 11:09am
My Comment: The UK also appears to have its enemies within who are well connected.
"EXPOSED: Corbyn, UK Labour Party Tied to Hamas Terrorist Network" By Geller Report Staff
If Jeremy Corbyn is elected on December 12th, both the United States and Israel should stop intelligence co-operation with Britain.
Corbyn, UK Labour Party Tied to Hamas Network
Hamas officials in the Gaza Strip and London’s Hamas institutions have joined forces to support Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party, ahead of the upcoming UK elections this week.
The UK also appears to have its enemies within who are well connected. Now it becomes crystal cleat why London suffers from more Islamic,yes ISLAMIC, terrorism that other EU cities. Having said that, there is no lack of support for Islamism among the EU upper government echelons, including the current Pope.
They just don't get it, but I guess it will take losing their heads to understand their mistake.
The UK also appears to have its enemies within who are well connected. Now it becomes crystal cleat why London suffers from more Islamic,yes ISLAMIC, terrorism that other EU cities. Having said that, there is no lack of support for Islamism among the EU upper government echelons, including the current Pope.
Sheer stupidity or treasonous collusion?