Just recieved this in my inbox!! interesting read...
I have left the Reader's comment in, and will add my own ..... the reminder .... it is ALWAYS up to Reader to read or delete ...... this is information ...... but only YOU decide if it is "for you to act on"
This information was sent to me a little while ago by someone I know who is of good character. I'm not sending this to frighten anyone but just to inform. Now we all know we are in the time of severe Earth changes. You can either delete or read this and apply your own knowing. If it resonates then prepare. If this does not resonate then delete this information.
A PERSONAL FRIEND OF MINE AND MASTER STUDENT WHO LIVES IN LANGLEY and Washington, LISTENED TO THE 17 HOUR LIVE STREAM DELIVERED BY RAMTHA on March 31st. THEY WROTE AS FOLLOWS: [by the way....thousands across the globe listened to this and are beginning to prepare]. Ramtha has never given such a lengthy dissertation.
I apologize for sending this e-mail out to all of you in a "BULK' format. I do not normally do this. I beg your pardon, but time is of the essence, and I simply DO NOT have the time to e-mail 200+ people [friends]. I apologize for the 'privacy' breach. IT MATTERS NOT AT THIS POINT.
Donna H writes: Brief points only....Can't really summarize a 17 hour teaching. but this is what I recall. [the 'nittus-grittus' if you will].
Pacific Rim coastal folks need to get marching in 3 days. Japan is going to have 1-2 more BIG 10+ quakes and because of the nuclear meltdown Japan will be sunk entirely. Contemplate the size of an earthquake that would have to occur to sink Japan under another plate tectonic. The tsunami from that will be 1000-1500 feet in height and will hit the coasts of the Pacific Rim several times. This is to happen before the end of April.
Two major quakes will occur in June. (June 15th-21st) One is to occur on the San Andreas fault, the other on the Cascadian. Both will be 10 to 10.5's. I do believe a 10.0 is ten times worse than a 9.0. The cities on the west coast of the Americas will be destroyed.
Arizona and most of Nevada will be destroyed. New Mexico will be ocean front by the sounds of it.
The earth is already ringing like a bell. This will set off the New Madrid fault line splitting the Unitied States at the Mississippi River, from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico.
New York City and area will sink into a cavern that has no known depth. It is an abyss and with all our [current] technology, they haven't been able to measure its depth. It will be filled in by the ocean and look like a lake. Vast regions will be destroyed on the east coast because when the New Madrid goes (in June) it will set off the nuclear plants which will be 1000 times worse than Japan because of the sheer number of them on the east coast.
All of Europe will go. Apparently it will start in Greece with a quake and a deadly volcano in Europe will go too. Can't remember the time frame. Have to re-watch it. SOOO much info given.
Ramtha's message was delivered on March 31st, and the following morning April 1st, Greece had a 6.2 quake. Human Beings still do not know how to predict earthquakes.
We just simply do not know...nobody does, even with all our sophisticated technology.
Written ABOVE AND BELOW are comments [e-mails] I...[Jeff Lake]....personally received from Masters in Ramtha via the 17 hour Live Stream Feed on March 31st. This is the longest message ever delivered from the Ram. WAKE UP AND PAY ATTENTION. THIS IS NO JOKE!!
Japan 10.5 quake in next 3 months creates a 800-1000 foot wave to hit entire Pacific Rim
Wave of 250 feet in area near Yelm
make sure you are above 300 feet and not near water
Mt. Rainier is calm
Mt Adams and Mt Hood will not be safe
22miles around Yelm, Washington or high ground is safe
Of the Pacific Ring of Fire islands...
in three days this evacuation is to begin of all island nations in the
Pacific Ring of Fire
Do it straight away says Ram
Japan is going under, into the sea......except for Mount Fugi
Be prepared to go to safe land until 2014
Australia .......go inland away from coast
Europe will disappear
This is an event like the times of Atlantis/Lemuria ........Europe will sink overnight
Stay tuned....more to come
....."of the ring of fire islands
in three days this evacuation is to begin of all island nations in the ring of fire
do it straight away says Ram
Japan is going into the sea......except for Mount Fugi
Be prepared to go to safe land until 2014
....."JZ streamed the night before and told us about the huge quake going to happen on the 15th to 21st. of June..a 10 scale quake...Calif..Oregon..Mexico and all the way up here..it will head across the states and she was almost crying when she told us...she told us about a 9 quake in the February streaming but didn't say when or where...the staff told her she should have said where..so now she is not holding back...2012 she said will have a huge burst from the sun and knock out everything electrical...satellites etc...New York will be completely destroyed...the largest concentration of Nuke plants are on the east coast..they will not have enough time to shut them down. You saw what happened in Japan..she said Japan will look like nothing compared to what is about to happen.....
-- Australia .......go inland away from coast
Europe will disappear
this is an event like the times of Atlantis/Lemuria ........Europe will sink in one night
My own personal "Knowingness" is indicating to me that this quake will strike Japan on April 22nd. It is definitely going to happen sometime in April before months end. Please do NOT take my personal 'prediction' to HEART. GO WITHIN AND MAKE ANY AND ALL DETERMINATIONS FOR YOURSELF. Because of 'quantum' shift',s things can change RAPIDLY in a heartbeat. I've had this date 'popping' into my mind now for approximately three weeks, so I'm leaving Vancouver Island and heading inland on March 21st at the latest....or possibly earlier, if I should suddenly receive information that indicates I need to do that.
I do not want the responsibility on my head for your personal safety and well being by sharing misleading information. The point is this....trust YOURSELF, and your own 'Intuitive knowingness'. Pay attention to Nature now....animals have an instinct for this sort of thing. If your domestic pets begin displaying unusual behaviours....or if you see rodents such as mice and rats running away from the coast,or birds...or any animal in nature... it's time to bust a move.
Be ever alert this month, pay attention, get focused....do NOT let yourself become distracted with the same ole, same ole mundane crap that consumes your ordinary existence. What lies before us is an unprecedented event of a cataclysmic nature.
Anyone living in coastal communities needs to be aware of this, which is why I'm sending this out now to all my friends.
Normally I do NOT send out BULK e-mailing, so I beg your pardon...I haven't the time to e-mail 200+ people individually....just no time at all. I have much to take care of in my own life in order to prepare to leave. Time is of the essence though and I'm taking care of business and bustin' a move.
Every prediction Ramtha has ever made over the past 30 years has come to pass. This is no exception. Just KNOW THAT!! [if nothing else, and do with this information what you will]. !!
Those who are 'in the know' and aligned with nature will pay attention and take heed. If your trust YOURSELF and your own God/instincts you'll do what is right for you and be at the 'Right place/Right time'. Those who want to dismiss this information as nonsensical drivel....that's your choice. Don't shoot the messenger....just ringing the alarm bells in an effort to save as many people as possible.
So there you have it. Any and all updates will be forwarded on as they come in. Stay safe and be prepared to bust a move at any moment over these next three months. Your very life may depend upon it. Be alert and prepared at all times.
Unconditional Divine Love and God Speed to All, Jeff Lake
Keith, You are so correct. Actually, I really didn't know what percentage Ramtha's "channeling" accuracy was at.
So sad that someone can tell blatant lies that create fear and negativity.
Keith, that is what I was saying that Ramtha does NOT have any credibility.
I did do the research last year when I first read that.
Now I know those messages are NOTHING to worry about.
This was predicted last year-2011-and none of it came true.
I remember reading it last March/April and thinking oh my....
Did some research and Ramtha does NOT have anywhere near 100% accuracy. It is quite the opposite.
Not to worry on these predictions/channeled messages.
We hope not Madeline. Whenever I start feeling despondent, I quickly think of the simple reality that we are still here and that we have faced all forms of tribulations in our history.....I personally hope nothing and I mean nothing that is predicted comes to pass, does that mean I am sticking my head in the sand, not by a long shot, it just means I plan to see this through to the end.
Is this this year or last year
Just a friendly reminder to all....tsunamis are not slow, 500mph is common, and faster is definitely possible.....so 60miles away will take you 30 mins going 120 mph while the tsunami would have traveled 1k miles.....recommendation don't wait for that type of sign.....try to give yourself at least 4-5 hours of leway.
Now that is a little scary to me simply because I am a strong believer that children are more open to signs than adults....guess we are just too jaded by life.....
always come back to predictions to judge how wacky or truthful they are, claiming a 100% accuracy my a...