Kenyan Mall Hoax - The Camera Man Can

WARNING - this video contains a reasonable amount of swearing!

I'm not sure I entirely agree with the video's message that the Kenyan Mall shootings are/were a hoax and I don't necessarily agree with some of the suggestions that some people were smiling or appearing to be bored but a very good point (which I sort of had in the back of my mind anyway) is raised, and that is:

How come there seems to be a camera covering so many images inside the mall? Some of the images almost seem to be posed with the camera person strategically placed and at times almost in the line of fire. This could point to a staged event and some of the injuries look fake.

Mmmmm ... it does make me wonder.

However, if people were injured or killed in this event then I apologize profusely for posting this.

Please use discretion when watching this - to be honest I didn't really enjoy his presentation.


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  • /More proof Kenya was staged.

  • I just read an article that Youtube will be censoring all comments that do confide with current scientific data like Global warming opposition will be erased. I am sure glad they figured out the world was round before Youtube came around.

  • Good to see there are alternatives to Youtube.

    I don't like imposed prohibition.

    Viva la "free speech!"

  • Peter here is a remake of the Cameraman can,

  • Another person who believes it is a hoax:

  • Peter

       Tomorrow john Kerry is going to sign the UN small arms treaty and Obama has also already done so even though congress has voted it down. Is there a way around our second amendment ? Maybe I don't know

  • Byron, there seems to be a shooting event now daily.

    I don't know what they are trying to do - the continuing "dumbing" down process I guess!

  • I don't buy it.

    Police/Military in trench coats. Was it raining? mostly blue sky's.

    Waite one minute, let me get a bunch of Paper towel packs for you to kick back on so that the ride is comfortable. They must have been bored.

    Shoppimg carts parked in front of an elevator?

    Only Water melons in a cart with the injured. (really, ONLY water melons, nothing else, when I go shopping there is more in the cart after 1 minute.

    Sorry, It looks staged to me too.

  • Peter

       It is obvious this was a staged event but why would they pick Kenya and say the terrorists originate from America. To pull the video when it was not that graphic only say's it could be taken apart by experts and blow their cover. They were able to trick me in the beginning but no longer. Are they trying to make it look like the world is in chaos so when the big one happens it will be a normal occurrence.

  • This article has all of the still images that were included in the "now-banned-by-Youtube" video.

    Consider how come all these images were able to be taken.

    Also, does the blood look real to you?

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