Is Putin in Need of Psychiatric Care?

Is Putin in Need of Psychiatric Care?

In 1996 several us were sitting and listening to H.H. Alexandra speak at a gathering.  We recently recounted what she said for her words ring scarily true today.  She said that a power-crazed individual would rise to the top in Russia and threaten any progress that had been made towards global harmony for he would see himself as tyrant ruler of the world. ( – volunteers)

Today H.H. Alexandra writes:

Is Putin in Need of Psychiatric Care?







This is a very worrisome time.  Is there no one (or perhaps there are many) questioning if all ruling men and women have gone mad in not doing something to stop Putin before he escalates military action?

Putin might be ill, yes very ill, in a way that affects the brain.  Is there no one to check it out and stop him?  Or is this the prelude for full-on WW III?  That is my great concern.  Will millions, if not billions, of kind unsuspecting people be murdered and will children be left homeless and alone, not remembering who they are or where they are from?  Race, creed or colour will not matter.  Members of the United Nations will call out for peace.

I am the watcher.  I call all to seek peace and create harmony.  Be a watcher.  Save all.  Check Putin out.  His brain needs help.  He seemingly lives in a delusional state of self-aggrandizement.

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Peace - A Gift to All Living Beings

Peace – A Gift to All Living Beings

One night in my crib I called for my awakening. I prayed to find peace on earth – a gift to all living beings – peace in all souls – a wish for greed to end and for there to be the kind whispers of peace for all creation, ending wars and the hunting of gentle beings.

I call good souls to join in and practise compassion and acts of great kindness to all living of Creator – given the breath of air and divine soul.   Be kind.  Help those in need.

I have had enough of long nights and prayers for the poor when love and sharing will lift up all souls.  I call, oh come Creator’s treasures.  Stand up and help the suffering to be whole.  Come lift me up in my pain.  Fill all hatred with goodness and joy.


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Upgrade Your Consciousness to a Higher You

Upgrade Your Consciousness to a Higher You

A time of imagination to use in healing is positive.  Everyone is able to project good energy to heal – radiating bio-electric waves and surrounding the person in need with love to heal.

Relax and upgrade your consciousness to a higher you.  Let peace flow from you.  Create a tool of pure love.  Create kindness and generosity of soul to all life.

Don’t forget to be pure. Start to be in harmony with the All of the All in you.  Celebrate your peace.  Offer it to all.  Meditate in kindness.  Give of your soul.

Help the planet.  All are of one Creator.


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