Could it be the NASA satellite???????


One woman died and six others were injured in the incident.

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  • Great Jim, this is awesome find..

    Here is a link to the meteorite story that you might find usefull.


  • Actualy, daytime fireballs were spotted in Texas, Louiseana, Arkensas and Missiseppi on the 25.  I do not know if it was the same fireball or four seperate ones.
  • Well last week I actually had a dream a large meteorite landed in my back 40 and nearly knocked all the glass out of my windows on the side facing....

    I'm sure it was because I watched the news before bed about that darn satallite..I hope.LOL

  • Someone else has left a thread on glp about spotting fireballs in upstate NY.  The reports keep rolling in...
  • A very strange story.  A meteorite or a satalite would have not exploded  and not cause that kind of damage.   I have seen houses that have been hit by meteorites and they just had small holes in the roof.  And if it was something bigger like a bolide or an astroid or a satalite it would have left a crater in the ground.  However if there were say perhaps 30 small pieces hitting at once and on the same spot that kind of damage is possable.  We have to get more data on this on so please keep us posted!
  • There are reports of spotted fireballs in Arizona, and someone on glp claims that one hit the ground in texas.
  • So was it an explosion and not satellite? Perhaps a bomb...locals did see object falling from sky.. 
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