By Luca Scantamburlo
Conscious of the extreme importance, and even delicacy of the subject known as " Planet X "(identified by many with the Nibiru / Marduk worshiped by the ancient Sumerians and Babylonians) finally decided to publish some stills taken from the so-called" Jesuit Footage " . The publication of the frames has been authorized by Cristoforo Barbato (Naples, 1972), former managing editor of several journals in Rome in 2000-2001 contacted by a father Jesuit Vatican insider. This religious Barbato mandated to act as a trailblazer in the mass media for the release of crucial information for the next decades of human history. An unusual choice, but understandable when one considers for a moment that in addressing an issue hardly credible at first, and potentially destabilizing, is certainly preferable considered a young brave and honest, but little known, said and linked to a reporter to family ties, issues of image and interests of various kinds.
The decision to break the bond of secrecy, according to statements by the Vatican deep throat, would have resulted from dramatic consultations took place within a minority of SIV ( Vatican Information Service ), a secret facility d ' intelligence that the Vatican at least since annovererebbe 50s of last century.
This minority, made up of theologians belonging to the Order of the Jesuits, he would set up as a sort of Fifth Column is not for personal gain, but because of a torn close to the moral question of Antigone. The decision to release the classified material, through a controlled leak, then there would result from the desire to respect the best Christic message, helping humanity to deal with certain events and political climate that appear on the horizon and which seem destined to involve all creatures on the planet. In this case, the questionable actions of this handful of men in the Roman Catholic Church in my opinion would honor the blood shed on the cross Yeshu'a Jew, crucified by men believed to act in the name of the justice of God and of Caesar.
In recent years, mainly because of dubious news unverified and not submitted to the scrutiny of critical thinking, sort controversy around the Planet X led to confusion and, sometimes, a certain weariness among the general public.
But the information released from this self-proclaimed member of ' intelligence Vatican appear to be reliable. They are situated in a historical and scientific already present (that of the theoretical and observational planetary body of an unknown long-term and responsible for the orbital anomalies of Uranus, Neptune and Comet Halley), and explain for example the presence of a observing the structure of the first order that the Vatican has set up in Arizona a few years ago ( VATT , a world-class telescope), not to mention the cryptic public statements of religious scholars and academics as Malachi Martin (crf. the 1997 interview American Art Bell ).
The existence of SIV is also consistent with some historical studies have emerged since the early 90s on a couple of texts of modern and contemporary history (see the essays Ratlines , page 26., M. J. Aarons and Loftus, Newton Compton, 1993, and The Atlas of spies , p. 89, U Rapetto and R. Di Nunzio, RCS BUR, 2002). Of course there is the authoritative source: Barbato was able to verify with their own eyes the credentials for that character, who at the time actually worked within the Holy See. Nonetheless to professional ethics, he protects the identity (in journalistic jargon it is said that safeguards the source), responding to a request for anonymity addressed to the Jesuit father, but also aware of the enormous risks to which the religious hath been exposed to burning and damaging of classified material at the highest levels.
The work of investigative journalism-Barbato, when carefully examined, is an undeniable warranty and should be only catalyze the least interest, free from ideological prejudices of the employees of UFOlogy as well as investigative journalism. If Barbato has waited four years before disclosing the "Jesuit Footage" and information related to it, it must be the extreme prudence of the Neapolitan scientist, who during that period he made a series of checks and inspections to see if this disturbing story had a basis in truth.
I wonder if the widespread intellectual honesty in the Italian press and the intellectual world of today will be enough to glimpse the most serious studies of the orientalist Zecharia Sichin and the Russian Cristoforo Barbato's journalistic work.
© L. Scantamburlo November 1, 2006
Upgrading layout of the writing and pictures: August 11, 2007
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For further details see the interview granted by the Jesuit to Barbato in 2001: INTERVIEW WITH THE JESUIT. ROME, 2001