Three qualities which are the cause of the greatest disturbance!
Mighty Victory explained to us:
We have been at the Royal Teton watching the activity of mankind, as we necessarily must do. We see the many individuals whose light is sufficiently strong within them, to dissolve so-called cancer, tumorous growths, whatever it may be, or this naughty arthritis. It is, isn’t it? At least you think it is, during its disturbance: but let me tell you, it is not nearly so serious as you think. Just get out of your feeling world all irritation and resentment – and that naughty arthritis will be gone! Possibly you do not remember all the years in which those qualities acted, producing a specific solidification at the joins. I think perhaps I had better not use Lotus’ expression, but however, all that substance can be dissolved very quickly, Precious Ones.
Do not think me unkind, but when you can laugh at a thing, you get rid of it much quicker! The trouble is you get too serious about those things. You take them too seriously and you say: “Oh, this part, and that part, and now this one, has got something the matter here.” You just notify it and say: “Come on, I have not had enough yet, just take hold.” This is quite true! Of course, you do not intend to do it, but that is where the power of acceptance comes in! You are accepting the wrong thing! Instead of accepting the Power of your “Mighty I AM Presence,” which is the alleviating Power, you are immediately accepting the appearance, the feeling, and letting it gain power and momentum. Do you not see this, beloved ones? Oh, we are not blaming you, never; but we are trying to have you see it from the funny side, so you will let go more quickly!
There are three qualities in human beings, and especially in the feminine activity of life, which are clearly the cause of the greatest disturbance. They are irritation, resentment and domination. In the masculine activity they occur sometimes, but not as often as in the feminine; because the feminine activity of life represents the feeling world, more naturally than the masculine element. Therefore, you ladies should be very firm in shutting out of your worlds all resentment, irritation and the desire to dominate someone! Naturally the mother element feels that it should even care for the child after it is grown. Do you know, men and women fifty years old are still the babies of the family? Do you know how many times you have said that? That is hardly the case! They probably have children of their own!
So do not do that! Do not hold on to the human form! Now we mean to give Freedom! When one has grown to maturity, that one should be advised, and then left Free to gain his or her own experience! After individuals have been advised of what is right, if they do not follow that, experience is a great teacher – a rather tragic one sometimes, but it does the work finally! Now then, let us forget in the future, that we compel experience to teach us. We have the Presence of all life, the “Mighty I AM,” which will now instruct us, if we give it a chance. So let us remember, that no longer do we allow – that is a very good word – no longer do we allow experience to be our teacher! You know you change the school and college you go to! Why not dismiss experience and take the “I AM Presence,” which is the perfection of life, ready to pour forth just like that (motion of hand) until you fill yourself and your world with it?
Discourse on November, 14, 1937, published in the “Voice of the I AM”, June 1981. For the book see: