Temporary release, My Beloved Ones, from distressing conditions is not Victory! I represent Permanent Perfection! That is why I have come... to give you My weekly Charge of the Flame from My Temple of Victory, which means Permanent Perfection in your world! You have all many times had a certain amount of harmony and a certain amount of comfort and accomplishment – a certain amount of happiness; but something took it away from you again, didn’t it? Well, why not this time let us qualify it with My Cosmic Victory of Hundreds of Thousands of Centuries; and if you choose to charge My Cosmic Flame of Victory into all the substance and energy of your worlds and command It to glow and become Self-luminous, command It to continue to expand without limit – know that It is Eternal.
Once you feel the Manifestation of Perfection, seize It and say, “You are mine forever!” Then will I say to you, “I know you!” Then will I recognize that the Master in you – your Higher Mental Body – has taken Its Dominion through those flesh forms permanently, and has announced that Its Authority is in Action.
Mighty Victory’s Discourse V, p. 420
SGP#09 - I AM Discourses