David Wilcock is without doubt the most reliable source of information, as is his video that lasted 3hr.01min.30sec. covering quite a few of the changes that lay ahead, and I believe they will be of much interest now to many of you. The extracts have been condensed, but if you wish to hear/read the full version it is mainly from the section commencing 1hr.51m.54sec.to 2hr.30min.00sec.
David Wilcock 2016.12.12. New Living Expo.
Forty ET groups have bases on the Moon and inside the Earth and they call the Earth – the experiment. The Sphere Beings first showed up in the 1980’s, when a gigantic Orb the size of Neptune was found in our Solar System heading towards our planet, and it circled all of them in turn. Around 1999-2001we had a number of Spheres coming into our Solar System that have remained ever since. In November 2015 in Australia aboard the new Aircraft Carrier “Aegis” they had a massive Draco Super Beam Weapon and they fired upon a Sphere causing it to glow bright red, and it then re-directed the particle beam back to the Aircraft Carrier, and it blew up the whole base in Pine Gap. After that a “no fly” zone was created around the Earth.
The Illuminati planned the Twin Tower attacks to take place on the 9th November 2001 because it was the date of the birth of Christ exactly 2000 years earlier. The Twin Towers came down within a ten minute window of it. The Illuminati thought the Spheres were the return of the Anunnaki Gods who would save them. So they were trying to offset the power of the message in the Bible, as it stated that Jesus would return after 2000 years. The Russians can prove that the 9/11 destruction of the Twin Towers was brought about by the use of a small nuclear bomb placed by the Cabal. Putin is ready if necessary to reveal details of false flag operations. The Russian’s have an advanced missile system called the “Annexe” that cannot be tracked by radar making military technology useless. David Wilcock commented that because of it there would never be another war.
more @ https://www.galacticchannelings.com/english/mike14-12-18.html