Millions of bees mysteriously die in Florida

This makes me weep inside!

This will cripple the citrus growers! not to metion all the other plants we eat!

I feel this is MURDER!

No bees!! we are finished

4 breed of bees have gone instict\ 

Mysterious, Massive Disappearance/Death of US Honey Bees – Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD)

this link is from 3/23/11

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  • The date on the post was oct, I try make sure the posts are current. I was fooled.
    But the damage is still done and continues :( :( :(
  • Keith I agree with monsanto being the major culprit but also believe the petro chemicals are taking there toll also. If you get petroleum on you and go near bees you may get stung because they have a defence mechinism against it.  
  • Bees are very special to me, being a bee keeper and teaching classes I krow their importance to our survival they are natures best pollinator. I counted 4 bees in my yard this year and yes I was looking hard. I wish I still had bee hives. Then with my birds dissapearing 36 days ago I am very sad for the earth.  
  • It is very sad indeed, but let not throw in the towel and get ready to die. Man kind has always find a way and an aternative ways to the functions of the bees. I'm sure we'll be fine in the long run, thou in the short term we may suffer a bit.
  • BRYON!!

    You are making me cry!!!! :( :( :( :( :( :(

    They can't kill us fast enough so they will finish us off by killing our beautiful bees!!!!!!!!!

  • Einstein said 4 years after the honey bees become extinct so will we. Bees world wide are dying at the rate of 25% per year for the last few years.
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